
Have you ever cursed in front of your parents?

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how old were you?, what did you say?, and how did they react?




  1. I am 51 years old now, so sure I have cursed around my parents and I have said just about every curse word I know around them.  The first time I was probably 11 or 12 and I don't think they noticed, they can swear pretty well too.  But I would never curse at them, they do not deserve it.

  2. We swear at each other all the time, my parents and I.

    It's like a daily thing....

    No big deal.....

  3. my mom would slap my face. she doesnt even like me to say h**l in front of her but i think its a good thing.. i wouldnt want to be like the other out of controll teens swearing at the rents.

    but my dad on the other hand..... could care less if i did meth in front of him. so he doesnt care about swearing. he doesnt care about anything

  4. I curse in front of them everyday, I'm 18 and have been cussing since I was 14 or so, they're just words and they don't get mad.

  5. not really..i don't really curse...

  6. i curse AT my parents

    lol youve never met my mom

  7. ha. I dont remember when I started but I think it was like 2 years ago, so I would have been 13.. Well now I say lots of stuff in front of my mom and she just looks at me sometimes.. but sometimes she says "nice mouth, do you eat with that?" haha its so funny when she says that.. but anyways we swear in front of each other if someone does any stupid...

    its funny cause my whole family swears.. except my stepdad unless he is very mad.. lol..

    No one in my family cares if we swear.. its more like a daily thing for us so its just like normal talk..

    BUT we do watch our swearing in public and in front of young kids or anyone who doesnt swear...

    Swearing is one of the only things my brothers, my mom, and I do all together.. lol.. its sad isn't it..

  8. all the time!

    i just dont say the Fword.

    everything except for that.

  9. all the time but my mom gets mad

  10. I do it every day.  It's no biggie.

  11. i was 10 and i was singing a song but instead of blocking out the curse word, i blocked out the regular word- i didn't even realize it. my mother just said "ooooh, what did you say" and i put this sad look on my face and she forgave me.

  12. i curse only when i'm disgustingly mad. they don't mind because most of the time they know how disgusted i am with things.

  13. it may have slipped out once of twice, and i always tried to use some lame cover-up.

    "She's such a b*tch..a-rooni-dooni"

    my dad's pretty cool with it, but my mom spazzes.

  14. 15

    i said S**t. is was on accident though cause some idiot almost hit me while i was driving.

  15. Yes. I swear all the time in front of them and even at them. Particularly my dad. I swear at him a lot when he is annoying me, which is most of the time.

    It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but it's just a habit that I can't help. I don't really care though.

    They don't care either. They don't even react. I mean they may have commented once or twice and said something like that's not very nice language, but they don't do or say anything. I've never been punished for it. Actually I have never been punished for anything ever, but swearing is about the only bad thing I ever do or have done.

    Oh yeah, I'm 15.

  16. No, I have respect for my parents. Unlike a lot of you people seem to.

  17. I think I said d**n around age 7.

    I never got soap in my mouth, but I got grounded and yelled at.

    Now, they don't care if I cuss around them, as long as my younger siblings aren't around, but I don't like to unless I'm stressed out and want to express that, because otherwise, it just makes me feel bad.

  18. im 13 and i said f*cks sake my dad sort of shoated but not that much happened

  19. Yeah I do sometimes. Not at my parents, just when they were present. They don't care because it's just a word. And I'm 15. I usually don't curse in public too much so it's not a big deal to them. =]

  20. I have cursed in front of them many times. But I would never curse AT them. Because if I did I would be in deep sh*t.

  21. Nope.

  22. wow!! i always curse in front of them... they look at me with a face and sometimes if i curse at THEM they slap me...

  23. out of respect for my parents, and because of the class i have and how well i carry myself out in public. No, I don't. And I really don't curse around anyone authorative really. It's just not classy.

  24. sometimes I get so angry i accidently did but then i apologise and hope that my mon will forgive me haha.

  25. Ahaha. Yeah, all the time, but I

    would NEVER disrespect them to the

    point where I would swear at them.

    I said "oh shiit." and every other

    curse words in the dictionary. haha.

    my parents just stared at me and

    continue doing what they were doing.


    Your dad sounds cool, and funny. haha

    and I've been swearing since I was 12?

    I'm 15 at the moment.

  26. When I was 12

    I dropped the F-Bomb =]

    We were at a family reunion thing and I tripped going down a staircase. The whole room went silent except for one of my little cousins going "Mommy, what does that word mean?"

    I had to sit in my room and feel bad for embarrassing her in front of our whole family.

    I played GameBoy instead =]

  27. Um.....

    -First time at 8 years old

    -I said sh*t

    -I got my mouth washed out with soap lol

    But now im 14 and I curse in front of them everyday:)

  28. Nah, but they've cursed in front of me! :)

  29. I've cursed AT my mom not my dad though just my mom but yeh I curse in front of them all the time I have since forever I started calling my mom a ***** when I was mad at her since I was at least 8. She is though ask ANY one her siblings, mom, children, because I'm not an only child just the only one with enough guts to call her a *****

  30. many times,

    They said you're grounded,

    and they kicked me out of the house for the night.

    Thats pretty much the story of my life,

  31. yeaaah, i have my like entire life.

    they stopped caring.

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