
Have you ever dealt with a child with sensory processing disorder also known as SPD?

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I have a 3 year old boy, who has SPD. His pain receptor is not firing right and he is constantly hurting himself-but doesn't see it as hurting himself.

He'll eat stuff right out of the oven, and though he says, Hot, he still eats it.

He split his head on a car battery on our back porch a few months ago, because he was standing on one of those kids tables and the leg broke off throwing him forward-he had to get 4 staples in his head. The boy enjoyed it! At the time he also had a black eye, so of course the hospital questioned us, and I told them, I dont know how he got the black eye, because he doesn't cry when he gets hurt. He jumped out a window last Summer when my MIL was watching him, almost gave her a heart-attack, he ran across my daughters full size bed and took the screen with him...he wanted to do it again.

He is constantly getting in tight spaces and getting stuck. He is into everything, and he is so smart that he can figure anything out. He's 3 and he has already discovered how to get his buckle undone on his car seat, even when turned around backwards and duct taped. He has learned which key goes in the egnition of our van and knows how to start it-needless to say, I dont leave the keys anymore!

He can get baby locks open. We had to put a padlock on our fridge. He is driving me insane cause he is always into everything and always getting hurt. Any suggestions? He is already seeing a behavioral specialist and was getting physical, occupational, and speech therapy...but since he turned 3, he is now out of the program. He starts 2 schools this month and I am so afraid he is going to get hurt and no one will check him, because he doesn't fuss. I even got him a dog tag that tells his name and address on one side and his phone number and that he has an extreme pain tolerance on the other side.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this kind of behavior?




  1. the most ideas are online rite now you can check there

  2. Try posting your question under special education. There are a lot of people out there which may be able to refer you to additional information.

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