Have you had to move away from someone you care about-b/c of a job, school and so on ?..What happened?
Did you try Lond Distance
What was the aftermath?...
What's your story?..
I'm going to school out of state in a month.
The guy I'm dating..
he's been through this road.
He had a hard time after the relationship ended ..
he doesn't think LD are "relationships"
he stated seeing a person 4 times out of the year isn't
a relationship in his eyes
He stated he really likes me.
He loves being with me
He said he'd dump a future GF if I were to go back into his life
We're going to stay in touch but it'll be on respectable terms.
It's been so hard on me.
I don't date very much. It's so hard for me to meet or like someone.
I'm still leaving, he told me to go and not let him stop me.
He said he'll find someone and I will too, he's hurt..
but he said "that's life" and he won't forget me
**I know it's not for everyone,I didn't expect him to t