
Have you ever destroyed another person's dream?

by  |  earlier

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Was it on purpose or accidently? Why?




  1. Yes. Their dream involved me and at that time I simply could not participate....

    I shed many a bitter tear and so did he. Thankfully a little further down the track things changed and the dream came true. Although I get this terrible feeling in my gut when I think of those times and the sheer agony on his face when he thought it would never be.

  2. I'm not sure....but I do know that every action and decision I make effects another person and if by some means a choice I have made in the past inadvertently destroyed that person's dream then the answer to your question would be yes.

  3. No one will ever know if they actually destroy someones dreams other than his/her own dream. However, remember that dream can never be fully destroyed. They can be only altered into other dreams.

    P.S.: I have dreams that will never come true, therefore, I have no dream.

  4. Well, I suppose.  I cant tell you how many times I woke up my ex-girlfriend.  She always appreciated it though, because she had to be at work before me anyway

  5. I've destroyed my own dreams.

  6. Yes, by waking them up.

  7. As far as I know, NO, I have never destroyed someones dream.   I am a teacher, of music, and work with kids, and teenagers all the time. I purposely try and encourage and never bring them down.  Sometimes, all the person needs is a little encouragement from you, so this has been my motto.  

    At the same time, I would hope people I am around would be strong enough to not let someone else's words or opinions shatter a dream.  And in some cases, the discouraging words is what is needed to light the fire under an individual to go after the dream full force.

    Thanks for reading!

  8. My wife's... she chose to marry me.

    On my part, it was unintentional.

  9. I'm not responsible for others actions, only the person can destroy their own dreams.

    I might interfere with the process, but I don't think I could ever destroy it.

  10. Might have destroyed my ex's dream of being a property owner - he tried to take mine from me, but he failed.  He would have sold it all and bought us a trailer, so we could use the extra money for "stuff." LOL  I don't think so.  Yes, it was on purpose.

  11. It was more vica versa. This person had his dreams which were totally different from my dreams. But I thought that this person shares my dreams, which were but totally different from his dreams. -:) So somehow living with this person we messed up each others dreams for a while, I guess. ..........

  12. Yes. And it difinately was not on purpose.  I wish I could undo it. Its gotta be one of the worst feelings in the world

  13. Not to my knowledge, and I'm not sure if this is even something that I would ever want to find out.

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