
Have you ever destroyed someone or something you very much loved and whats your sign?

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Have you ever destroyed someone or something you very much loved and whats your sign?




  1. Yes, and I'm a Leo sun/Scorpio moon. I guess my moon feels the need to burn bridges where necessary. Plus the scorpio moon just loves destruction and chaos.

  2. In my past I had alot of issues as a teen. As I have grown the wounds have been mended. I have been hurt by many people. I guess I am to trusting.


  3. Hm... not that I remember... But I can be very mean to those (things and people) who are not extremely significant to me.


  4. Not destroyed but have let go someone who was very special a scorpio

  5. Never

    More like they destroyed mine :[[[

    But Im still on my feet :PPP

  6. i am usually  try to support people and help them if they need me ... very very rare i had tried to destroy someone because it is not my nature , however i lost much things in my life and myself because i was had to destroy it ( even it was painful), to continue my life...

    Sun sign : Pisces

  7. I'm sure I did without knowing. Sometimes we make mistakes. I'm guilty. However, the key is to learn from them. Therefore, if I did destroy a relationship or something. Then I would look back at it and not destroy the next thing that comes along. Learn to love, live, and let go. If you destroyed something that u wish u hadn't try to fix it. If it isn't fixable learn from it. That is the best advice I can give.

    I'm a Virgo

  8. That is so not doable and pathetic.  Karma!!!!  What comes around goes around eventually.  And to do that, or even think or wish for that,  is so totally immature and selfish that it  belongs in the dark ages with the troglodites.

  9. I am Capricorn!

    It is strange I came across this question. I usually stay in the family sections. But, this  question caught my eye, before going to my profile.

    Today, I used up lots of time thinking, about my past and hurt I've caused. Those moments are frozen, in time, within my thoughts and I do not know how to let them go. It bothers me horribly I've cause hurt, even though it was a different time, in my life. There is one that hurts my heart the most. It's the time I destroyed someone with my words. Words can never be taken back. And, no matter what I do, those few words often come back to haunt me. Today is one of those days. I play the whole scene over and over in my mind. At one time or another, I have played each one over and over in my mind. I can't describe how it makes me feel, because I'm sure myself. Other than it exhaust me.

    I wish I could allow myself to let go, but I have never been able to. I have made amends with many, but sick feeling still will not leave me.



    I want to say thanks to Kelly's answer. It hit home, with me. I most certainly have learned how to love and live better, from my actions. Now, it is time to let go of the guilt and not allow myself to be sick. I've given my heartfelt apologies and learned life lessons for the one's I could fix and the the one's I couldn't!!

    Thanks Kelly!!



    What was the purpose of knowing our signs?

  10. To be frank with you I have destroyed a few people with my frank and honest views which often may come across as me seeming blunt and very rude. But in no intention do I hurt one out of bad doing, thoughts or words but merely expressing the dissapointment they have caused me to view them and the wrong they have done.

    I have been brutual hurt in terms of words and actions by many in the past of bad or unappreciated, not valued, not respected and no realisation in terms of intention. Many times it has caused me to question why, look at myself as a problem and often underestimate myself. But having over the years been told and have grown  more to accept my nature which is loving, caring, sincere, kind, true and honest> It has helped me further to be supportive of others, be sensitive, generous, responsive and really take on to the approach to respect and treat others how i would love to be treated. Though in return you may experience those who quite simple do not understand, mistreat and may take for granted. As there underlying reasons I understand that cause people to often react as they do in action whether it be past hurt, up bringing etc.

    Have I seen the return and the arise of old faces reappear back in my life to admitt and want to work through differences we may have gone through. Those times to me are indeed very special and meaningful.

    Many who have reappeared have been past relationships I currently under went and also have been in friendships too. When this does occur, I do welcome people back with open arms but more or so with awareness and also with the confidence and strength I have gained. As often what seems negative and a challenge as a result has it positive learning, gains and understanding which may strengthen you for the better, may you grow as a person and make you aware of who you are and what you can tolerrate.

    I have also learnt when you have understanding, are forgiving, positive and takes you by far a long mile.

    My sun sign is a Sag ;-)

    My moon is a Leo

  11. No one should ever give someone else that much power over him or her, that the person could ever destroy him or her. As for destroying someTHING that he or she loved ... gee, that's sounds like a sign of a psychopath.  I'm itching to read the other answers.

  12. Yes, I have.  I've so-called destroyed someone's love and trust and I still feel really guilty now.

    By the way, I am Taurus

  13. had to put my cat down

  14. no and i am a virgo but my ex who is a taurus did a pretty good job hurting me :)

  15. yes.

    I have destroyed a guys feeling and now feel horrible.

    I have also ripped the heads off my barbie dolls when i was younger. (creepy, right?)

    when I get upset like I don't have enough power over a situation or people are treating me differently, I go straight to the act, and ruin everything around me. nevertheless a persons feelings or a sheet of paper. It just has to go.

  16. I have destroyed somethings, but not people.  Throughout my life, I have been lied to and taken advantaged of.  I'm a Libra.

  17. All the time. Only things though not people!!


  18. No, I haven't.

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