
Have you ever died and come back to life?!?

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Have you ever died and come back to life?!?




  1. Yes, twice after a car accident.  Once in the ambulance and once on the operating table.  And before you ask, I saw nothing either time.

  2. No,  but many people have and there are tons of books on it.  Of course they all say the obvious that there is NO god or Devil and NO heaven or h**l

  3. Yes, a couple of months ago.  Was gone for a week but didn't like it and missed my dog, Rufus, so I decided to come back

  4. no mate but they're are people that have

  5. Yea tat day i was watchin this movie i was almost dead untill this movie ended i was like " i am alive"

  6. Yes. Twice. Once from an accident and once during surgery. I saw no bright lights, no family members, no fire and brimstone. There was nothing. Just nothing.

  7. Yes. I don't recommend it.

  8. Some of my enemies have probably thought so!

  9. no, but someone i know has

  10. I used to be dead. And then I was born.

    I also know a couple of born again Christians. And you can't be reborn without being dead in-between.

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