
Have you ever dined and dashed? did you get away with it?

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Have you ever dined and dashed? did you get away with it?




  1. this is horrible but my friend tabathas dad forgot to pay one time when we went to a house of pizza type place. when we got done eating me and tabatha went in the jeep. her dad came in and told us he forgot to/didn't pay.

  2. my grandson tryiend it and was put in jail wouldnt reccommend it cost rents 700 to bail him out

  3. Yes, I did once with my ex.  It was this really terrible Mexican restaurant.  The food was horrible so we just sort of snuck out.  We didn't get caught but I still felt bad about it.  Next time I'll just complain about the food.

  4. Yes, I few years ago, we were on vacation. We stopped at this pizzeria place. You go to the counter and order, and pay. Then you sit, and bring you your food. So I went to pay with a $50 bill, and they didn't have change. So she told me to pay when she got back. So they brought our food, ate, got togo boxes for the rest, and waited. Now this is a half hour after we ordered, and she never came back. So we got up to leave, and the people behind the counter thought we had paid. So we left.

    I don't normally do this, but I feel if they were that stupid, then they deserved it. That girl should of came back, knowing we weren't going to be there all that long. Obviously she wasn't hurrying. I kind of feel bad but not really.

    I work as a waitress, and we have had walkouts. Not very often but a few years ago, we had a buffet, and a table of 12 walked out, sneeking out the back door, without paying. Needless to say, that door stays locked now!

  5. I work at a restuarant and i would not recommend dining and dashing. We catch most of the people who do it, and believe me, you dont want to be caught half way through the parking lot, it isnt pretty. Plus, if you're a human, you will probably feel guilty knowing that you just made a minumum-wage-working waitress pay for your whole meal instead of you.

  6. Often - I usually want the toilet and everyone understands!

  7. People who dine and dash are losers. I mean how much do you really think your waiter or waitress is getting paid? Mostly all of the wait staff is getting paid under minimum wage!! And some arent even making enough in an hour to buy A GALLON OF GAS!!!!! so my answer is no....LoL

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