
Have you ever dive down to 15 to 17 feet?

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If yes what did it feel like and how painful was it on the ears?




  1. Yes I have dive down to 30meters, which is 100feet. It was wonderful.

    About the ears you need to know that the worst part is between the surface and 10 feet down, because the difference of relative pressure is bigger (than from 10 and 20 feet down for example). I have quite sensitive ears, sometimes it is difficult for me to equilibrate the pressures, and in this case it can be a little painful. What you need to do in this case is to stop going down, maybe going up a little bit in order to allow you ears to equilibrate more easily.

    This ear issue can be a problem, but it should not prevent you to dive! It is such a wonderful experience...

  2. Yes, and you've probably felt this pain yourself if you've flown on an airplane and felt pressure in your ears as the plane descended. You can equalize your ears by holding your nose and blowing gently against it as you descend. This is also what you do when scuba diving or free diving. Remember to take several deep breaths before you start, but do not hyperventilate. And of course, always have a buddy watching you from the surface!

  3. no

    thank goodness

  4. i went down about ten feet and it started to hurt my ears pretty bad

  5. yea it sucks

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