
Have you ever donated blood?

by  |  earlier

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I did it today lol.




  1. no

  2. yes many many times , so far 55 times                    i have given in Scotland, England ,Australia France

  3. Yes...and you did a GOOD thing!

  4. I'm on my 41st donation. I just love the free Tuc Biscuits and cup of tea afterwards!

  5. Yewp! I give blood about 8 or 9 times a year!

    It's a good feeling.

  6. Yes, and am going again tonight.

  7. Yes ,many times.I just love tea and biccies.

  8. I gave 15 pints until I was put on meds and feel so annoyed now that I can't do it anymore - as they are crying out for blood donors.

    Well done to you!

    Anyone else who is fit and able to give blood should get along there to do it - you might be the one relying on a donor some day!

  9. I gave about 25 pints until my medication precluded further donations.

  10. Not allowed 'coz of permanent thyroid medication!

  11. I'd like to, but no one wants my British blood even though I'm O-

    Seriously, can't give blood in Switzerland, won't be able to give blood when I go to Australia this year...ready and willing, and they just don't want it.

  12. Good for you

  13. NO, s***n though.

  14. Yes.

  15. Yes. Everyone should do it once a month or so.

  16. yes,

    well done you

  17. Yes I try to do it on a monthly basis and it's something that I feel that everyone who can give blood does so as you never know when that day will come when you need blood yourself.  **ok, I've got off my high horse lol!**

  18. No, not because i dont want to because i'd love to help people on such a, well, personal level, but every time i go for a blood test i pass out without fail.  My last test was about 4 weeks ago and i was out for about 6 minutes the nurses said.  I woke up with the doctor discussing whether i'd need a hospital visit.  I remember, while i was passed-out, i had a Mary J Blige song in my head, i dont even like her songs very much - but for the life of me i cant remember the exact song.  Well done for giving blood by the way - well done for staying awake - u did stay awake, didnt u?

  19. I couldn't because my vein collapsed when they put the needle in and the nurse said that doing it in my other arm would be too difficult - apparently i have troublesome veins..

  20. Yes.  

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