
Have you ever donated to Africa?

by  |  earlier

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If so which sites did you use?

I need some that I can actually put my credit card in and donate, and some where its free somewhat like the sites on this





  1. Nope. So much money is pumped into Africa with absolutely zero development. Besides if the West just keeps giving Africa money, they will just keep waiting for more instead of fixing their own problems. Africa is not my favourite place.

  2. Try using the red cross SA website.

  3. Do not donate money to Africa, rather look after your own people at home.

  4. The mere presence of benevolent whites in South Africa is a donation to Africans, on a daily basis.

    Who else do you think keeps the economy moving or prevents the lower IQ types from resorting to primitive tribal wars and self induced famine?

    So yes, I donate on a regular basis, unwillingly.

  5. ALS and Karen C are right.  Be sure you are donating money to an individual or organization which will use the money the way you intended it to be used.  I help out individuals I know personally.  That sounds a little paternalistic, but as the Africans themselves point out in their replies to your question, donations of money have not always benefited the people and countries of Africa.  In fact the opposite has happened.  It is probably safe to generalize that NGOs have done more harm than good in Africa when you look at the big picture.

  6. I'm actually GOING there next summer for three going through cross cultural solutions, and I think on there website you can donate but im not 100% sure.

    Sorry and I hope this helps.

  7. Please don't donate to Africa. Donations just prolong the continents suffering. The best thing you can do is let Africa stand up on its own two feet. Donations have created a unhealthy dependency that is harming the continent.

    I know it sounds heartless but in the long term it is for the best.

  8. No. It's a bottomless pit. My family (parents, brother, sister-in-law) have donated money and services to Blacks they personally knew and only received ungratefulness in return. My brother and sister-in-law paid for the building materials for my parent's then housemaid to extend her home on the proviso that they do the labour themselves as there was not enough money to pay for that, too. The b@st@rds not only came to my parents' home demanding money for the labour, but they also stole some building equipment my father had loaned them. The maid has since not returned to work but still enjoys her newly extended abode.

    Total amount in Rands GIVEN: R40, 000. And that was 5 years ago.

    This money, my brother has now agreed, the money should have been given to my parents who receive a meagre pension of R3000 a month and whose old home could have been renovated using this money. Fortunately I was able to step in and help a bit in this regard.

    Donate your money to poor Whites in SA rather!

  9. Sorry, as you can see, there are some crazies on this forum. Try the Starfish Foundation (they do wonderful work with AIDS orphans etc) or the Nelson Mandela Childrens Foundation. Google them. They are SA-based, but have registered offices in the UK and in the US.

  10. we dont need ur MONEY.




  11. They bleed me dry on a regular basis.  I am South African.  :)

    If you want to donate just be careful, corruption here is rife.

    Animals:  SPCA, Animal Wildlife Fund

    Children:  Ethelbert Childrens' home (remember what happened to Oprah)

    Humans:  Don't bother, that'll get stolen.

  12. Before you donate, give it a serious thought. Lot of money which is collected in Europe does not help Africans in a proper way. NGOs are disaster. Ask yourself, why there is no progress while there are 1000s NGOs down there. If you need to support some one in Africa, for example, identify a poor child, help the child in terms of needs, buy clothes and ship them, or pay for school fees, buy the child books - it is relatively cheap in Africa you can afford it, and monitor the progress yourself.  

  13. I agree with ALS - you have to be careful but that applies even on your home turf so I know you will check out where ever you go. Below are some responsible outlets who can help you find a reliable and responsible place.

    You might want to try The Children's Right's Center in Durban. They help children with HIV/AIDS or who are children of people with HIV/AIDS

                  031 307 6075      

    Fax: 031 307 6074

    Physical Address: The Children's Right Centre, 1st Floor, 480 Smith Street, Durban

    Postal Address: The Children's Right Centre, 1st Floor, 480 Smith Street, Durban

    Or you could talk to these folks

    South African Medical Association (SAMA)

    The Society, established in 1997, is an affiliate of the South African Medical Association (SAMA), and is the largest professional HIV interest group in the world. Unfortunately, I only have a phone number -

    +27 (011) 341 0162

    Or you could get in touch with someone at the University of the Witwatersrand

    They also do a lot of work with these children and will very likely be happy to point you in a good direction.

    Hope this helps.

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