
Have you ever done a double take?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to hug him!

I just can't help it,

I miss my boy

it seems like years

since he's been home.

A young man walked in to the store

I gasped when I saw him,

His build, his gait, the hat he wore

The tears sprang forth, I could not stop them

He made his purchase and then was gone

There I stood, foolishly sobbing,

missing my son.

It ain't all it's cracked up to be.

"Livin' my dream, ma, livin' my dream."




  1. During my US Marine son's third tour in Iraq, when the IED madness was in full swing once again, Marines were being hurt daily,,, after a nearly sleepless night of choking on nightmares,,, I had something like this happen that next morning.  Tears freely flowed for sure.   Even though I knew he was satisfying a need within himself to be where he was, doing what he was doing,,, my need was overwhelming right then.

    Tears are just the physical expression of the emotions we feel.

    Peace to you and your Marine son.

  2. How tender and sweet is this and I can so relate to this! I also have a son who is a Marine! Also others who are not but still relate to missing your children, because I too miss mine!


  3. Awwwww.

    From one Marine mom to another, here's a ((HUG)) for you.

    Ooo rah!  Semper Fi!~

  4. I shed those same tears quite frequently for friends I see no more, yet catch glimpses of in passing strangers.  An excellent poem summed up in the last line.

  5. triples even!


  6. Wow!!!  Yes, I have, very close to yours.  Weeks after my dad died, I was living in Pearl Harbor, where he had been on a ship during the bombing, it was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, I was walking my dog by a bus stop, taking people to the ceremony.  There in line was my dad! Same build, same clothes style, same white hair.  Instinctively, I called out, "Dad" and he turned, grinned, winked at me, then got on to the bus and was gone.  

    Perhaps, in both our cases, it was indeed them, the Almighty knowing we needed to see them.


  7. I actually cried when I read those last two lines because those are the words he told me, "It ain't all it's cracked up to be".  I want to hug you so much right now, first for having a Son that is serving our country and second for being the wonderful Mom that you are.  You are a good Mother and your Son is a honest and good Son.  He is a honor to his country.  Wonderful poem.

    Peace & Love  :)

  8. My heart goes out to you; I've had my share (I hope) of double takes...

  9. All of us who have had children in the military know your pain,

    you were not sobbing foolishly.  Bless you and your son!

  10. Except I know that the story has a happy ending where the singing Marine goes on TV and everybody falls in love with him...

  11. No tears are foolish, especially not these kind. I have two young sons who I miss terribly when they are gone for a couple of hours....I can not even imagine the pain in your heart from being away from him for so long. Your boy is a hero to all of us...and so are you for supporting him.

  12. You hugged him through this.  Beautiful sentiment flows through these words.  Words I am sure any Mom can and would relate too.  To shed tears is to care, to love, to be a Mom.  Shed all you want.

  13. Oh yes

    For My Mom

    for a friend

    or a long lost child

    You know it's not them

    still your heart goes wild.

  14. thats our boy.

    thats my ma.

    tears about love,


  15. A very emotional, moving poem.  I understand, for I am a mom of a son who I do not see often.  There is always an ache, isn't there?

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