
Have you ever done anything as hypocritical as when anti-drug conservative limpbaugh was outed as a JUNKIE?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't.

If you have, what was it?




  1. No, I am a democrat so I wouldn't do something like that. I have a good life & don't spend it putting others down. It's like the republicans making a big deal out of Clinton cheating on his wife & now their candidate cheating on his wife, left his kids, one of those kids Andrew is in trouble now for something in then neighbor of 46 million dollar that is missing. The list of things they say & then do is amazing.  

  2. You know, there are millions of Americans who've experienced drug and alcohol addiction...who've admitted it, and gotten treatment.  Rush is one.  Who are YOU to sit in judgment?  

    There but by the grace of God, go I.

  3. Mr. Limbaugh is not anti-drug.  He is anti-drug abuse and why shouldn’t he be.  After all, he would know better than anyone, what it can do to your life.  There was nothing hypocritical about his drug dependence, because he was legally prescribed narcotics and this lead to his drug dependence.  His intent was never to abuse drugs.  It was to prevent or help him deal with pain.  Anyone who has been prescribed narcotics for a long enough period, will become dependent.  Yes, that even includes you.  If anything, Mr. Limbaugh was the victim of a negligent doctor, who should have been monitoring his scripts a bit closer in an attempt at avoiding dependence in the first place.  Besides, Mr. Limbaugh was charged with, but never found guilty of a crime.  Now that I have helped to clear up your little misconception, why don’t you crawl back under your rock.

  4. Another mis-informed liberal strokes the computer keypad on YA! answers.

  5. I don't think I've done anything as hypocritical, but I think Rush Limbaugh has paid the price for his drug addiction.

    Although it isn't conclusive, it is likely that Rush lost his hearing due to taking these drugs.  In my opinion, that's a pretty high price to pay.

    Remember that he is a fellow human being in pain.  His views may be quite different from your own, and he may be a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean he's not deserving of compassion.


    I apologize to Amazin'g, I meant to vote up your response, and clicked the wrong button :(


  6. once   when i listen to slick willie clinton tell the nation the he smoked pot but didn't inhale     mr  doodles

  7. I went to a pro America rally and a Madonna concert.

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