
Have you ever done/received 'energy work'w/usage of crystals???

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AND DID YOU FEEL AN "energy shift" on some level after treatment?

I know sometimes crystals are used when having Reiki done.--Or performing Reiki on someone in other words




  1. I do Reiki with crystals.  I also carry various crystals around with me in my pocket most days.  I pick them according to how I'm feeling and what I may need a little boost with on that particular day.  They definitely work for me and my clients notice a difference in their healing.

  2. I am a crystal healer, and yes that is the norm for me. When I do a crystal healing my clients go into what I like to call "their healing place" They are not asleep and they are not awake. They lie there however long it takes for their energy to completely balance. After wards they have more energy and can begin to change the things in their lives that are taking the energy from them. I have experienced this myself and seen it in the lives of my loved ones. My husband, who used to make fun of me, was so moved by his experience that he now asks me if I will give him crystal healing sessions. I enjoy the crystal work and it can be a life changing experience if you want it to be. I hope helps!

  3. I do Reiki and occasionally use crystals to enhance the work. Yes it can add some support to the treatment and often a shift can be felt with the addition of the crystals to the treatment.

  4. NO",....I've heard of it before,...

  5. we did some of that stuff when I was in massage school. Some people could feel something happen, but I couldn't ever sense it. I'm told that if you are thinking too hard about it, then you won't feel it.

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