
Have you ever done something and gone oops.How did you resolve it?

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I thought it was my bf messin around on the phone in a silly accent.So I responded accordingly (i.e silly) Turns out it was a mate of my dad's who has this strong funny accent! ) I don't know what he said to dad .but I think he is like one of his bosses or something.Should I plead crossed wires,although I never heard of any one actually getting a crossed wire.Plus when he indignantly said and WHO is this stupid me gave my name like Duh!




  1. Best way to handle this sort of mess up is to ignore it, it never happened. Life lesson there, good stuff to know puppy.

  2. Just today.  Loading the shopping in the car, at the supermarket this morning.  had my debit card in my hand, dropped it and, almost in slow motion, I watched it tumble down a drain. Panic stations! Ran back in the supermarket and a nice young male employee, came out with me, lifted the drain cover and fished out my card - what a star!

  3. Better to have been honest and given your name, that indicates you really intended no harm. I think I would next go to my dad and say what happened, and if he thinks appropriate write a note to the man, or phone him.

  4. It happens all the time young lady leave it go. Unless you are looking for a job, then every phone call you take has to be handled personally and professionally. You have to change your phone behavior. Every incoming call is your potential future.

  5. well, just because he has a funny accent he can't expect that you don't have a funny accent as well, right?

    Most people with strange accents will not realize it if you do it back to them as to them that's normal.

    However, yeah if you drop it and start talking normal then that's where you fall over.

    But If someone (with a funny voice) calls me names on the phone I put the phone down, never mind who the person is. It does help that I have no bosses but I wouldn't compromise if I had.

    I did have a few oopses but can't remember one now, those moments aren't happy moments so I send them to the back of my head where they disappear :)

  6. Do the right thing; contact the guy and explain that you thought he was someone else being coy with you and you were playing back. Apologize for the mistake and be done with it.

  7. I think it is one of those situations in which the more you try to apologise and explain the deeper you will dig the hole you are already in. Don't make it any worse ignore it unless he mentions it and then try to laugh it off with a plea of insanity or mistaken identity.   Your father should be forwarned so that he is not taken by suprise if the guy is going to get pompous about it

  8. It happened to me. One of my clients kids told me that she will keep her bedroom window open if I want to sneak in. She was thinking that her BF was talking.

    When I visited next time she came and apologised We never had s*x but we became very close friends.

  9. It was an argument about sport with a friend.

    He was right, I was wrong.

    I had to take the Guinness book of records to hospital and apologise to him!

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