
Have you ever done the nasty when a pet was in the same room?

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  1. Yea I've done it many times.....I get subconscious for some reason, thinking "What is this guy thinking about right now as he watches us?" ( i have a pet lop rabbit).  That or i'm afraid he'll spontaneously attack me because he sees somethin to play or chew on (no joke).   But then i'm having s*x so those thoughts last very briefly.

  2. hahahaha Jake! This is hilarious... I rescued a stray kitty the other day, and felt like I was living with a room mate... closing doors and stuff... couldn't let him see me bolting for the shower... haha! Haven't done the nasty, but have accidentally had an incident where I was naked and felt really uncomfortable when the cat walked in... hahahaha! It's just a little wrong...

  3. Yeah, I feel bad for the pet hahaha

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