
Have you ever drawn up a list of requirements for your replacement?

by Guest59314  |  earlier

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Have you anyone in mind that could do your job as a wife/husband/partner.........

and if you had to interview someone for the job - what would be the most important attribute/talent that they would have to have to survive life in your shoes?




  1. No

    but if i had to,.... then.....talking 3 languages,baring silly woman, ur bossing ******* ur brains, under payment, slow promotion rate,crowded schedual...

    h**l NO 1 CAN EVER DO MY JOB  from the ppl i know!

  2. I live alone. Replacing me is not a good thought.

  3. No way will I do that.  I have given my husband simple instructions if I die first.  He is under strict orders not to take up with some floozy who will be mean to our children or grandchildren.  If he dared make that mistake then I have promised to get special permission from the Lord to come back and haunt him.

  4. No one could ever replace me nor could I ever replace him.

    If he found a new love I would hope  he would pick Someone that would love and take care of him for the rest of his life. He is a good man and would deserve nothing less.  

  5. They would have to have a sense of humor and love to love.

  6. Hello,  Someone that krypton don't effect, as superman has a weakness.  Able to keep the home fires burning.

  7. I would like to have my best friend replace me.

    She is easy going, doesn't nag, is a bit of a stinker, isn't afraid of hard work and knows how to hold her liquor.

    She can survive anything =)  

  8. No, I hope that doesn't happen any time soon, I think if I died and he went with someone else I'd come back as a ghost and scare the living daylights outta her, and kick his ***.

  9. Prefer to be an ostrich and not think about this.

    I can't imagine life without him and he says there

    would be nothing here for him without me.

    I think we should start planning to go together ( perhaps

    in 20 years time)

  10. No, no one does this, it is like a dictator ship. We all leave this life and we hope our loved ones may find happiness for them selves, be it a female friend male friend or lover. Let be they can make there own decisions.

  11. Nope.  I don't have a list.  I figure that's his problem.  LOL.

  12. wow....

    love my surviving spouse as they should be loved? make them laugh often. take them out for walks and continue their wonder of the world. hold them at night. give head messages. dont let them do anything foolish, and dont let them get away with it when they decide to be stubborn. fuss.

    i guess.... but i think i would likely survive any partner i take on cuz i am like a black widow.

  13. I am irreplaceable.  That is all there is to it.

  14. I hope I misunderstand you.  I think you are suggesting that we dictate whom our surviving loved ones should select as a spouse or partner if they outlive us?  If I'm right, it is very likely the surviving spouse or partner would be happy for the demise of such a controlling mate and will choose whom they wish; like they did when they found you!

    I think the farthest one should go on this issue is to assure the mate before dying that you want them to go on with life and make choices that will make them happy.

    Edit:  To the contrary on your additional comment, yes, I am.  Just because someone has a different point of view doesn't make them unintelligent.  However, the need to insult others for that reason does give some clue about intellect and therefore I find you suspect of your own accusation.  Have a nice day.

  15. No one can replace me. I have such a way about me that it would be hard to duplicate.    Poppy

  16. When I started getting some fairly serious medical procedures done, I wrote a note to each kid and my wife. Didn't give it to them but had it where they would find it if something happened to me. We have a will and lots of provisions that are already taken care of but just wanted them aware of some thoughts I had.

    I had a message for each child and when I got to my wife, I kind of apologized for not being the best there was as a partner. But I also told her than she has to be very careful when she finds another mate.

    I didn't want her to have a guy move in or she move in with him unless they were married, since at the time, my daughter would have taken that as a moral message. I also re-iterated that what was hers and the kids, in the will, stayed theirs and she should get a pre-nuptial agreement if she re-married. Only because I don't want her to be in need if a gigolo came along and took her property/money and the kids. I told her to give the kids their stuff immediately if I was to die.

    Eventually told the kids and showed them the notes I had written as well as with my wife. I suggested they remember those notes.

    Not really a requirement since I figure she didn't get all that good a catch to begin with and she can spot an ****** pretty easy.

  17. Joan Rivers.

  18. One answer NO!  LOL

    I did however insist that he seriously consider replacing me ASAP, as the man cannot even make grilled cheese, or boil water without melting the teapot!

    I would hope that he finds someone as unlike me as possible, so he can easily feel that he loves her for the right reasons, and not because she is like me in any way.  I don't want to be a ghost, hanging on his every thought.

    The biggest atribute she will need to be in my stead, is to love his children as her own, and to never criticize them to him.  He would not tolerate that.  Of this I am certain.


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