
Have you ever dreamt that you were dreaming about something? but this time it's like ..?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so in my dream i was telling someone that I was dreaming about dreaming. so that's like 3 times dreaming about dreaming.

I know it sounds confusing but yea.

And the person told me, "wow that's weird", so supposedly in that dream i woke up.

then seconds later, i woke up again.

and found that person not there, so that's how I realized that was a dream too.

And i found tears in my eyes, but I felt so good, not sad, more like nostalgic.

And this dream was like a continuation of my dream this morning.

And it's afternoon right now.

And i found out, to continue the dream, i have to think of something that makes me cry, but something good not bad.

Right now, i want to continue the dream but it doesn't work because I'm being logical, it sort of works when your in a dreamlike state and maybe 3 minutes later I'll forget all the details of my dream.




  1. are you on nicotine patches by any chance? because those will %^&# your dreams up!! My ex boyfriend told me about having weird dreams similiar to yours but thats when he was on the patch.

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