
Have you ever driven a Morris Minor?

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Did you think it was a super little car, or a crock of c**p?




  1. Yes, today.

  2. my mate bought one to do it up, i like em

  3. Did my test in one.... Good car for the times (196x) but absolutely none of the features you expect today. This was of course before british leyland started using cardboard wherever they could

  4. Yes.


  5. lol my dad had a morris minor back in the 70is donno wat happened to it think he sold it for another car  its reg number was 647 mkj I can still remember that .

  6. Oh yes however it was a lifetime ago! Great little cars but way ahead of its time.

  7. Yes, many times years ago.  They are wonderful cars providing they are serviced very regularly.

  8. most unfortunately are past it , but if you can find a good one snap it up.....they're way cool

  9. yes - it was my first car after i passed my test.  the car was 17 years old and was great fun, easy to maintain, started first time almost every time (and when the battery was flat,you could crank start it with a handle - much easier than pushing!).  The only bad point was that the headlight dipswitch was one the floor (you had to use your left foot, which was tricky if you needed to change gear at the same time).

    i'm even thinking about treating myself to another one again one day...

  10. Yeah, my first car was a Mickey Minor. Smelly and seriously underpowered - sometimes my mates would have to get out so could get up a hill, and the noise at 60mph (you had to be going down a long hill to get above that) was fearsome. The brakes were practically non-existence. It was a bit of fun once you got past the embarrassment. I wouldn't drive one now, in retrospect it was probably a complete deathtrap.

  11. never driven one - but I like them.

  12. I wouldn't even stand near one let alone get in and drive one.

  13. I drove a brand new Traveller for some time as a work vehicle - that must date me! Utterly reliable but happiest at about 40mph, sometimes the SU fuel pump would stick but all it needed was a clout.  It'd be a nasty shock coming to one from a modern vehicle but in its day it was a dear.

  14. Rather out moded I'm afraid. Plus points.Light controls, very handy in tight places, 40 mpg when cruising around 50mph not to bad as a town car, spares mostly readily available and not too expensive.

    Minus points, crash 1st gear, needs servicing every 3 months,3000 miles,using a grease gun! they rot unless well preserved and are relatively slow on the open road. If you can find a good un It will cost an arm and a leg, will not depreciate if looked after carefully and lovingly driven it will be fun to own,. It is not a car to keep up with a Fiesta, for example,to use and abuse and ignore and belt from place to place.

  15. I passed my driving test in a moggy, they are a good little run about.

    The downside being that in the winter months the heater is not very good at keeping the windscreen clear or the driver warm.

  16. I have driven one as worked on it fitting a windscreen.  I guess the Car was a cracking one at it's time unfortunately things move on like anything else to bigger and better things!

  17. I have driven several over the years. We have a Traveller at the moment and are founder members of Rugby Morris Minor Owners Club. As a family we own 5 !

    Debroah, I think 647 MKJ is still on the road !

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