
Have you ever driven a car in a foreign country?

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If yes, which side of the road did they drive on?

Were the road signs different?




  1. yes i drove in England and strangely enough they drive on the same side as they do in Scotland

  2. i have driven hgv's all over the,canada, the whole of europe, russia, the baltic states(latvia, eastonia,lithuania,), africa,etc. the driving styles are different at best, bizzare at their worst(africa). on the whole, signs are very similar, unless you are an absolute moron, and most drive on the right. out of some sixty countries i have driven in, only a hand full drive on the left as we do here in the uk.

  3. I'm from the UK.

    I've driven in Ireland (same side, similar road signs), and also in France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and Croatia (other side, different road signs).

    I've driven RHD cars in RHD countries (UK and Ireland) and in LHD countries (France & Belgium).

    I've also driven LHD cars in a RHD country (UK), and also in LHD countries (France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and Croatia).

    The biggest confusion was in Greece, where some of the direction signs were only in the Greek alphabet, but I actually got used to that quite quickly.

  4. I drove in Holland & Germany and the USA they drive on the opposite to us, and found that most road signs are universal and the same as in the UK

  5. I drove my car in Tijuana, Mexico. They drive on the same side of the road as in the states. Most of the time. At least when they're not driving on the sidewalk. I didn't think people actually did that until I saw our tour guide trying to keep up with our tour bus in his own car in Mexico City many years before I drove there.

  6. driven loads of times in greece, drive on right, but soon got used to it, road signs vary from island to island, favorite one is that there is about 6 diffrent ways to spell a towns name, but just adds to the holiday fun, and ive found some very nice places by mistake

  7. yes and they drove on the opposite side to us in the UK and it was the scariest thing I ever did! they drove like loons!

  8. Before he drove in Europe for the first time many years ago, a friend phoned the A.A. and asked if there was anything he should really watch out for.He was told that the road signs are almost all the same as the U.K., and should present no problem. The obvious thing of course is that in Europe they drive on the right, and that can be dangerous. He thanked them and hung up. Two hours later he phoned the A.A. again and told them he had rang a couple of hours earlier to ask about driving in Europe, and had been told it could be dangerous driving on the right "Oh yes" said the operator "I remember your call, can I help you further"? "Not really", said my friend, "I'm just calling to say that you are correct about driving on the right. I've just tried it between Leeds and York and it is *******dangerous".

    SORRY couldn't resist it!  :-))



                         I'm starting to get a bit worried about you and your ideas about European driving. The only time you need to worry about traffic coming from the right is when you don't have a white with yellow border diamond on the road on which you are travelling. Normally this would only apply on a very minor road in an urban environment.

    Have you really driven outside of the U.K.?

  9. Not myself. but I was a passenger when my cousin attempted to drive in France. He was hopeless and he missed the turnoff but that was probably because it was alot different from driving in Scotland and all the signs were confusing.

  10. No..but it would be fun! Maybe someday!!!!

  11. Beijing China, A motorcycle or bicycle is suicidal, a car is worst. Much more reasonable to call a taxi. Buses are too packed.

  12. I have driven in France, they drive on the right, as do most of Europe.

    And in Malta, who drive on left.  Maltese Signs are similar to mainland european, with some which look British, and most road instruction are given in English.

    In France drivers emmerging from a junction on the right have right of way, and the drivers pull out without looking, unless there is sign which is an upside down red triangle, like the GIVE WAY sign in the UK, with CEDEZ LE PASSAGE written underneath.

  13. Yes. It all depends on what country you are going to. For example Korea is on the right side. Japan is on the left...

    Signs are somewhat different. It is not very different. But a license in that country would require you to know all that. DO NOT drive without proper authorization. They can be pretty aggressive in some countries!

  14. Yes. In UK on the left, In Germany on the right, In Malta in the shade. The road signs were confusing.

  15. Yes, drove a jeep in Barbados, same side of the road as the UK and very courteous drivers, especially when you are in a rental car and they know you are a holiday maker.

  16. No. But I wish I had. It would mean I had travelled a lot.

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