
Have you ever driven when you are so tired.......?

by  |  earlier

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that your imagination hs made you see something that wasnt there ?

i was driving home one night real tired , when the bus shelter on the left grew legs and ran out in front of me .

NO JOKE , it scared the c**p outta me :(




  1. no but i have been so tired that i had to close one eye and then switch to focus cause the road seemed blurry. i would have pulled over but i was less than a mile from home and no one was on the streets at 3 am. yes i am in a boring town where pretty much all life forms come to a halt at 10pm. this town is so boring.

  2. Yeah.  And the road gets all wavy and looks like water.

  3. YES...I have dozed off at the wheel many times....I dozed off for a few seconds once and when I opened my eyes I had to slam on the brakes cuz I was going through a red light.

  4. YA!!! Once, I was driving and I'd been up all night the night before, and I thought I seen a f*ckin "guar" (a creature from a video game) in the bushes, and the saddest part was, I wasn't surprised by it until I remembered those things weren't even real!! Another time, my mate thought he saw a big sack of rubbish get up and cross the road when we were driving very late at night and both of us were tired. I laughed so hard I nearly crashed the car.

  5. I once saw a bank of clouds on a sunlit dawn horizon turn into a vast herd of pink elephants, stampeding across the plains.

  6. I drove cross country for years. I was 50 miles from home on a 2-lane road about midnight. I first saw a lion, then a tiger.They startled me, but when I saw the baby in the cradle sitting on the white line is when I knew I was being stupid. I never tried to make home to go to bed again.

  7. yes i fell asleep for a split second ..very scary


  8. no  

  9. Ive been drowsy on the road and imagined animals jumping out in front of me a time or two.

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