
Have you ever dropped the last toilet roll down the toilet?

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Have you ever dropped the last toilet roll down the toilet?




  1. Yes.

    And my toothbrush :-(

  2. Yes and it's so frustrating.  Actually my two year old grandson appears to be making a career out of it!!

  3. Yes I have lol

  4. No but ive dropped other stuff hahaha

  5. no if you did that really funny, i bet it clogged your toilet though lol.i bet i was a MESS! =)

  6. No but my kids have.

  7. yes....bring on the paper napkins. LOL

  8. No, but my cat did, so when I went to use the toilet there was no paper, but I found the box of tissues which were in the cabinet so there I was with my drawers down, bare bottom showing reaching in the cabinet for the tissues, boy am I glad I was home alone.

  9. YES! i hate when that happens

  10. Oh yeah! And nearly burned my house down as a result.Let me explain.....

      Many many years ago I took up residence in my first house.I was often skint and depended upon my mum to help out.On this particular occasion I had mooched a toilet roll to tide me over until the Thursday of that week when my cheque arrived and ,putting it safely on top of the loo,retired to my sitting room  to indulge in a joint before going out.I had a young black cat called Pen (short for Pendragon) who,being very much a house cat, loved to explore this large house that we now lived in.Well,bugger me if the dratted beast didn't knock me only roll of bumfodder into the open bog.Two or three joints later,and thoroughly stoned, I  wandered downstairs to investigate the noises that I was hearing and found Pen,looking well pleased with himself on the edge of the cludgie attempting to fish out the loo paper.Swearing under my breath,I plucked the sodden loo paper from the lav and had an idea! I put on my oven. I would dry out and thus rescue my aforementioned soggy bog roll.I went upstairs,and finding drugs immediately set about them and got still further stoned.Eventually I remembered what I set out to  do and decided to go to my friends to score more blow.

    It is at this point that I should point out that the flats I lived in were based on a Scandinavian design and had very long landings with stairs only at one end.I lived only one or two houses from the farthest end of the landing and thus  farthest from the stairs (all eight flights of them).

       I found my self outside after having  somewhat gingerly picked my way down all 8 flights when something,I'll probably never know what,made me look up.The HORROR!!!My house was on fire!My poor cat!

       I rushed back up all 8 flights of stairs ,along the 200 yard landing,fumbled my keys,opened the door to find a house full of thick,acrid smoke and threw myself down the two flights of interior steps to my kitchen where I found my cat.Happy,safe and warm,but in a room full of smoke! I opened the window to release as much smoke as possible and opened the oven door....Using a tea towel to protect against the heat (200 degrees+),I removed the oven tray with the smouldering and smokey loo roll.A few seconds later there was an audibly soft "whoomph" sound and the offending bogwipe burst into flames!

       Running around like a looney didnt seem to work.There were too many highly flammable hangings,covers etc about so I began to look for a safe place to extinguish these damned dangerous flames.Soon the oven tray began to heat up and become uncomfortable,so,desperately needing to get rid of it AND get me some  relief, I cast about for a place to get rid of it and suddenly I remembered the perfect place!! The loo!

    Before I'd had a chance to reason out my actions,I'd thrown the loo roll back down the bog AND simultaneously put myself back to square one.My mum didnt believe my explanation and my cat looked at me like I was a right muppet for the rest of that week.

  11. No.   I did leave the roll sitting on the back seat when going on a three week camping trip though.   That was a pain in the ....

  12. Sure have s****., was having one of my lets drop everything I pick up days, and yes it takes about 3 goes to retrieve anything I've dropped, so you can image the mess, used to write to penpals on toilet rolls to, was a lot of fun back then in my misspent youth lol!

  13. Yes many times i have had the paper fell in to the toilet and in to the sink.(hate it when that happens especially when it happens before you use the bathroom)

  14. yeah...and my iPod Headphones!! lol

  15. yeah he he.

    but i was bad i put it on hot raidator and forgot to bin it and my other half used it......revenge is sweet grrrr

    and yeah it was binned after that

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