
Have you ever drowned in a pool while you where swimming? If so what happened?

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I would like to know.




  1. Do you understand that if I had drowned, I would've died? Therefore, you won't actually get any answers from people who actually drowned.

  2. You'd Be Dead Think About Your Questions Before You Post

  3. If someone drowned, they aren't going to be capable of answering the question because they are dead.

  4. One who drowned in a pool would not be alive to talk about it.  If you drown you are dead.

    One may have been revived after being in the water for a while and that would be called a near-drowning.  

    Just a clarification.

  5. No if never drowned in a pool, but my best friend has.

    It was really scary, it was when we were both 5, and we really wanted to go in the deep end so we went in, but just as we reached it, she got an Asama attack (I know very ironic). I panicked and had no idea what to do. I watched her slowly sink to the bottom, and it freaked me out. So I screamed for the lifeguard who came and saved her. I don't think I have ever been so scarred in my entire life after that!

  6. ON accounts that after you drown you are DEAD I would say no, but once, when I was very small I did loose consciousness at the beach when a big wave pulled me under, next thing I knew something or someone had pulled me to shore and I coughed up some water but was OK.

  7. That happen to me like a year ago, i'm 16 now. I was so scared that iw ould die. i was swimming to the deep end and i got a huge cramp in my leg. then both of my legs. and the pool goes down to 10 ft. i was trying to grab the suface. i could see the sun shining through the water but i couldn't move. i just kept sinking and sinking untill i heard my heart beating hard and i got dizzy . Then everything went balck. i woke up in a hospital and a person i never even met before in my life was standing next to me with my mom and my brother. i was dead for like 3 min they said then i got revived.

  8. If you drowned, you would be dead.  I did almost drown once.  My mom had to dive in with all her clothes on and save me.  I can still remember it.  The last thing I saw was red, and then I was laying on the pool deck.

  9. If you drowned, you would be dead.

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