
Have you ever eaten cold beans/ raviolli straight out the tin???????????????

by Guest61847  |  earlier

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and....have you eaten raw meat at any stage of your life? all answers win a tammy wynette hairbrush and bag! ;O)




  1. yep cold beans,corn nibblets and peas are really good can eat straight from the can or add to salad plates

  2. Ola Blue!

    yes/no and yes!

    my mother used to give us cold beans with a salad (i think she hated us) i'v not had them in years, i remember liking them though! don't think i'd eat that now though, i was quite a weird child though..... so dont take my word for it that ther nice!

    i love ravioli but never had it cold!

    when i went to France, i was in a restaurant, and all they had that i would eat was pasta or ham salad! i took the ham salad!

    when it came to the table it was lettuce with full slices of raw bacon across the top! i couldny believe it! i did try it though... and it just tasted like bacon that hadnt been cooked it was disgusting! so i had cake! lol

  3. Yes to all three. I love chef boy-r-d right out of the can. and spam if that really counts as meat.

  4. cold beans and I used to like cold macaroni cheese

  5. No thats really gross. That kind of food is meant to be cooked

  6. yes i do

  7. No, the only thing I eat straight out of the can is sweet corn and fruit. And as far as meat I don't eat raw meat I'm afraid it will get me sick even rare my meat HAS to be well done.

  8. Yes to the beans, and yes to the raw meat: steak tartare can be really nice, especially the way the Swiss make it. Just make sure it's a high grade cut of meat that's been handled well.

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