
Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone?

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No, I don't mean at McDonald's during your 15-minute lunch break, but have you ever went solo to a restaurant for dinner where you have to be seated and order off the menu? If so, did you feel awkward about it? Are there any particular restaurants you like to go to or tips you have for single diners?




  1. No, I have not. I'm almost always with friends or family.

  2. I've never gone into a restaurant alone, for me that would be very hard, and I do applaude those who can. There for the only advice I could give on this subject would be smile and walk confident.  

  3. If I'm in the mood for a nice dinner, I go.  I don't mind going alone. If you wait for other people to join you, you will spend a lot of time eating fast food.

    A lot of times, I'll sit at the bar because there's usual a better opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone else sitting at the bar. The service is quicker and you get more attention from the bartenders than you do when you sit at a table in the restaurant.

  4. I became a regular at the local restaurants during my divorce and the months afterward.

    Some tips to transition into this (it's not a disease, eating alone... lol):

    Bring a book or buy a newspaper outside while you eat.

    Act like you do it all the time.

    Sit at the counter. This way, you have the chance to strike up a conversation with the person next to you, or you simply look like you're grabbin a quick bite coming home from work.

    It's really not all that uncommon, eating alone.  

  5. umm ive never done that. but... you can go to chevys and since theirs alot of colors there and alot of stuff to look at you can have some fun. or go to rainforest cafe theres so much to see and laugh about and lots to buy so bring money. chevys is not so spendy but the food is delish, mexican. rainforest cafe is just good food theres variaties not really a type

  6. Yes I've eaten in restaurants alone many times,the advantages are you order when your ready you leave when your ready no waiting on others.

  7. I never do. It's not taboo to do so, people that are solo just eat at the bar. That's why you may not notice people eating alone. You would have to if you're traveling. Otherwise, I just get take out.

  8. Yes, business people do this all the time.  Sometimes I got to the bar (if the restaurant has one).  I do try not to let them seat me by the kitchen or out in the middle.  

    Actually, eating alone can be quite pleasant.  You can savor the tastes of what you've ordered prepared the way you like it.  And think about whatever you want.  Its a great time to evaluate or set goals.

  9. no,but u asked

  10. Oh of course! The first time I felt very weird, but then after a while it was nice. It was nice to have the time to myself. I will sometimes bring a book while I wait for my food to arrive. I used to be a waitress and coming in alone is quite normal!  

  11. Yes,but you can make it a pleasant time.Start up a conversation with the person or people around you. I have learned alot from meeting new people by doing this.

    Most people are willing to share info about the area or make a suggestion on what to order.

    It beats just sitting there and beig lonely.

    Try it out on your next dining out.

  12. i work at a restaurant and i see people eating by them self all the time if you fill uncomtrable bring a book, newspaper or anything else to keep you busy but whatever you do please don't be using your cell phone while the server is trying to help u

  13. I travel alone frequently and don't mind dining solo at all. I tip a little higher since my bill will be less than for two people. Also, it is easier on the restaurant if you dine solo at a slow time of day.

    Sardis in NYC is my favorite place to dine alone. They have the small tables that are perfect for just one person.

  14. If you are wanting someone to talk to then go sit at the bar.  If not, ask for a booth and bring a good book or a sports section of the newspaper.

  15. I have , and needless to say it is very awkward, You feel like everyone is looking at you. the best thing to do if you cant dine with someone else but you must eat out, is to either get fast food or take out . better yet is to go have dinner at a lunch counter with stools, like at House of Pies or Waffle house, that whay, those around you will also be alone, you may make a friend or two.  

  16. No, I have not.  I have only eaten at Taco Bell and Subway alone.

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