
Have you ever embarrassed your self in public?

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Have you ever embarrassed your self in public?




  1. I was fairly embarrassed to be caught naked having s*x with an ex on the local golf course early one morning.

    A group of early morning grinning golfers strolled by and all said "good morning"

  2. oh yes, ran naked through my town for a dare, not funny, never do it! was funny at the time, but everyone now knows me as the crazy naked guy

  3. al the time...

  4. No, but I'm one of the golfers who caught wonder he was WAS a rather cold day, and it showed.

  5. yes

  6. Not often. I once yelled at a shop employee and felt so bad I went back and apologised. It was not his fault, it was the stupid store. I was simply having a bad day and that popped my pimple.

    "mortified meself"

  7. When do I NOT embarrass myself in public.

  8. Yes. I was at a game store with my husband and two sons. My youngest son kept pulling on my shirt,and I tried to keep my balance. Well,my son pulled so hard on me,that I lost my balance,he fell down and I fell down on top of him. So,my I guess you could say my son embarrassed me. Thank goodness he was okay,but I wanted to run out of that store so bad,and I have not been back to that store since then.

  9. I do it all the time, if i ever meet new people or if im infront of loads of people, i am more than likly to embarrass myself.

    After a while you learn to laugh it off.

  10. So far no, talk about lucky. But my mom have embarrassed me lots of time in public.

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