
Have you ever encountered a driving instructor breaking some if not all road rules.?

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I mean when they are on their own with no student in the car.You think I would not like him to teach anyone.




  1. Yes, police!    Speeding, no turn signals, U turns.   Turning on their lights to go through a street light.  There's two sets of laws:  One for the regular paying public and one for the preying public.

  2. cant say i have encountered this?

  3. theres one saying theres a rule for us and a rule for them the other night i seen the police with the blue lights on and speeding back to the station to clock off and i have seen the driveng instuctures speeding aswell but i havent seen fire or ambulances speeding or haveing the blue lights on for no reason at all

  4. hey thats how everyone is. on their best driving behavior until no ones watching over their shoulders.  then they drive like an idiot, like most drivers!

  5. Yes I have, and I can say the same thing for just about everyone else, including myself. Very few people have never broken some sort of traffic law. Minor infractions, yes. But technically, rules are rules.

    Ask yourself:

    Do you always go the speed limit, and have never, even once, gone one mile per hour over?

    Have you ever forgotten to use a turn signal, even once?

    Have you ever came upon a stop sign and didn't come to a complete stop? A full halt, not a "rolling stop."

    How many times has the light turned yellow on you at the last second and you went on through the intersection? Come on, be honest.

    And rann georgia, you seem to have a problem with police doing it. What if someone was lurking around your house trying to break in, and you called the cops? Would you rather they took their sweet time, stopped at every light and went the speed limit, or tried to get there as fast as they could? Don't be so quick to judge them if you have no idea where they're headed.

    Edit: FYI, the question was read and understood. Some emergency situations require police to approach the scene quietly, such as the one I mentioned. To other drivers, it appears they are not on an emergency run, when in fact they are.

  6. I certainly have seen driving instructors breaking rules of the road both with and without students. Mainly when picking up or dropping off students/customers.

    Emergency services vehicles in the UK are legally exempt from speed limits, regardless of whether responding to an emergency or not. It is however widespread policy that limits should be adheared to when not responding to incidents.

    I've seen police vehicles parked on double yellow lines many times and even the odd one with a parking ticket on the window but then you don't always know what lead to them being there. It's easy to make asumptions without knowing the facts.

  7. I see police all the time speeding down the road only later just to see them at some dinner just minutes after flying by me.

  8. One passed me yesterday and he looked to be doing about 50 in a 20mph zone.

  9. Frequently. They even forget where/ what the indicators are. Deeply irritating.

  10. The driving instructor when I did the training was a flake. We stopped off at her house for one. Then she allowed me to break speed limits (75mph in a 50) when I was done because she wanted off work. I can only imagine what she's driving like. Seemed cool back then but now it's obvious that she shouldn't be teaching.

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