
Have you ever encountered a shoulder injury?what?

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cause i a volleyball player for 10 years now.i injured my shoulder. any tips?




  1. I got my injury riding my moto at arenacross a couple of years back the shoulder pop out they have to pop it back in. All I did is just massage it and put a icepack on it and the pain went down.....

  2. I had what is called a SLAP lesion.  It's where you pull the bicep tendon off of the bone.   Not fun.  

    Most shoulder injuries have to do with the Rotator Cuff.  

    Here's a good site for rehab ideas....

  3. if it's just plain sore,  all you need is an ice pack and to take it easy for a couple of days.  but if it's a shooting pain right in the joint,  go to the doctor a.s.a.p. you more than likely have torn your rotator cuff and will need surgery to correct the tear.

  4. get an mri. better to know for sure what could be wrong in there. i went a while before my shoulder surgery and i ended up needing a lot more work because i was stubborn and kept on playing ball. good luck, hope its just tendenitous

  5. Yes, I'm not a Volly ball player. But during my work accedintly one of my assistant hit 3 times contineously while he hit I supported the hitting point.

    And I checked immediately in the same day with the Ortho Specialist. He told nothing to worry.

    After a Year duration I started to feel sevear pain in my right shoulder and days going on I unable to even lift or right, etc..

    Then I again I checked with my doctor then he in depth analysed and told the the MEMBERANE WHICH SEPERATE THE SHOULDER KNEE AND BONE from RUBBING each other is deadly wornout..and he adviced me, after his contineous 4 months treatment, try to become for Left hand habit. B'cas at that time I was bachelor and if he further proceeds the treatment with the heavy dose medicine which are affecting the harmons and would induse the effect to my kids after my marriage.

    So totally I given up.

    Then here in INDIA, PONDICHERRY, with AROBINDO ASHRAM they are doing the INDIAN medicines mingled together of SIDDHA, AYURVADIC and HOMEOPATHIC, one doctor Ms.VANDHANA, started to treat me you may not belief with in three months i started to use to write, wearing shirt, even riding my bike. After had an year of course of medicine I got well. Eventhouh she adviced me to avoid riding bike, my nature of job is riding bke average 80Kms per day, and spending 3 to 4 hrs with my PC, I'm having a mild pain only with my shoulder.

    So try to get SIDDHA or AYURVADIC treatments, like INDIAN treatments.

  6. ice is good for the first few days.  always put it on during and after you play to keep the irritation and inflammation down.  massage would be good for it, it feels good to get massage, but if you want quick results... physical therapy hurts, but is more beneficial.

  7. I am sorry to hear about your injury! About 2 years ago I injured my shoulder throwing shot-put for track! I tore some tendons and it all ended up in a bone spur that I had to have surgery to get fixed! I went through almost a year and a half of agony! I also went through three sessions of physical therapy! After I had my surgery in April of pain was relieved but my arm is so weak! I suggest that you go to the doctor (if you haven't already) and get checked out...see what he thinks! If he says it is nothing then just do some exercises to strengthen it back up and possibly relieve some pain! Hope yah get to feelin better!

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