
Have you ever encountered a situation where...?

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you wore some hockey shirt or hat and someone asked you what it meant? Seriously, one time (now you have to understand that I live in Maryland but still, Washington DC has a hockey team and there ARE hockey fans such as myself who live in MD) I wore a Red Wings hat somewhere and someone asked me if it was like some sort of motorcycle symbol! First of all, I was only about 12 years old and I'm a girl so why would I like motorcycles? I was speechless...and pretty indignant. lol

Have you ever had something like this happen to you? I hope not, but it will be interesting to see if anyone else has similar stories...




  1. Thats funny you ask.I am wearing my Phaneuf western all stars t-shirt right now and i went for a walk earlier and some guy asked how i pronounce my name.I explained to him that its a hockey shirt and he asked if "Phaneuf" was in the NBA hall of fame!Again i said the NHL and he asked what team he played for.I said Calgary and no joke--he said "Oh i didnt know they had a basketball team"!Thats what i get for talking to strangers i guess.

  2. I was in a store paying for my purchase (my checks have the  Wings logo and team name on them) and the sales clerk said to me "Do you collect them or sell them?" I said "Sell or collect what?" She said  "Red Wings". I told her they were a hockey team. She just said "Oh."

    On the opposite end of the spectrum....

    I was at work one day and a kid came in with a New Jersey Devils jersey on. (I live in north Florida, it is odd to see anything hockey related). I asked the kid if he was a Devils fan and he looked at me like I was an idiot. Then I asked him if he liked hockey and he said no so I asked him why he had the Devils jersey on and he asked me what was I talking about and I said "Your jersey , it is a HOCKEY  jersey, it has the logo of an NHL team on it!!!" He said "Oh, I bought it at Good Will, I was wondering what that was on there."  That is so sad...

  3. Nope, but I did get a "Go Lightning!" just the other day when I wore my Richy shirt to the movies.

  4. Ha i had a situation when i wore a sydney crosbey  T-shirt to an ice rink for freakin sake.  And take it I live in Florida so not many people play or watch hockey down here like i do.  And so some kid was like hey hes got a crosbey Shirt.  Then another Kid said yea hes my favorite Golfer.  I was like wtf? lmao..

  5. Everyone around here recognizes the Buffaslug; the Sabres are moderately popular out here, even though we're technically closer to Canadiens territory. Guess being state-side makes the difference. People do look at me odd when I talk about the Amerks, though. Everything out here is the Crunch; most ppl just go to their games to go and don't follow the AHL.

  6. no, lol!! That is horrible.  But, I live in Hockeytown!!!

  7. Well for the rare occaision of the flames being in the NY area, me and my friend were going to go to the rangers flames game, and i was wearing my flames jersey to class, since we were going in to the city right after,  and as i walked in he asked what the heck i was wearing, and i said a flamese jersey, and he said who are they, and i wanted to punch him in the face, but i held my anger back and explained to him that they were my favorite hockey teams since i was little

  8. I have usually had the opposite happen. I had my Panthers jersey on in a hotel in Tampa, This guy started to come up to me and ask me about how much I like hockey and we talked for like twenty minutes. It was Brian Bradley. He was playing for the Bolts at the time. We had a really nice chat. I have also wound up with nice conversations while in Europe when I had Panthers or hockey shirts on.

  9. Haha!  That's so funny.  I ♥ Osgood, I never knew you were in a motorcycle gang!  ;-)

    Nothing that bad happens where I live, but I remember when I was little I wrote "Go Devils!" with my finger on the ice on the inside of those freezer doors at the supermarket and this woman looks like me as if I was trying to spread satanic messages.

  10. I don't think I've had that as far as clothing but I used to use the name gooilersgo online in various weblocations and everyone always automatically assumed I was a Houston fan.  I was always like what the h**l.

  11. well it being a redwing hat i'd have to ask if you were special or just stupid.

    haha.  lets go blues.

  12. One time late at night I went out and I was waiting for a table with my friends, I wore my Gonchar jersey cause the Penguins played that day, this guy comes out of the bar drunk as ever and was trying to read my shirt, and he said some name, I forget but he didn't say Gonchar and he was like that guy sucks, I didn't wanna say anything cause he was drunk and older then me, but me and my friends were laughing at what a dumb *** this guy was.

  13. It's not a hockey shirt but my cousin used to have this one shirt with a surf board on one side and "Did he make it?" on the other.  No one in the family has any idea what the question means, or at least plays that up enough to harrass the h**l out of him for it.

  14. I wore a shirt with a skull on the back and my prof thought I was a part of some gang/cult. I never wore it again. lol

  15. i was in CA for the hockey season this year. and on casual friday i wore my sidney crosby penguins sweater to work (mind you the penguin on the logo has a hockey stick) and about 3 people asked me 'where did you get that soccer jersey"

    thank god i am moving back to the northeast

  16. People asked me what my Detroit Tigers hat was here in Kentucky (if I'm awake, that hat is on my head).  They thought I got my last name's initial monogrammed on a hat (coincidence my last name starts with "D").  I also get some weird looks when I wear my Toledo Mud Hens gear, but I totally expect that.  Being in Central Division territory with Nashville to the south, the Winged Wheel brings anger and ire more than confusion.

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