
Have you ever experience a paranormal encounter from a parent? if so what happend?

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my dad died 2 months ago and i keep thinking he will visit but he hasn't.




  1. sorry to break the bad news but he won't "visit" as he's dead.

    my father died a bit over 2 years ago and i know exactly where he is, if there's going to be a visit it will be me going to his grave, that's the only way.

  2. I've had contact with my father, who died about 6 years ago. He has a distinctive voice, plus he's got a new york accent to boot, so it's one I'll never forget. But I was sitting in the kitchen one day when I heard his voice, clear as day, say, "Hello, Joanne", coming from directly in front of me. It was how he greeted me whenever he called me. I'd heard his voice before, in that half asleep half awake state, but I never believed it, thought surely I was imagining it, but this time I was wide awake. Was neat.

    your father.... are you sensitive at all? If not, he may very well be there with you, chances are he looks in on you, but you just aren't aware of it? Ever smell anything that reminds you of him? Like if he liked pipe tobacco say, and you suddenly smell that scent when nobody in the house smokes at all??

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