
Have you ever experienced ESP? (read details)?

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ESP is like a 6th sense. you can read minds, see the future?

is so, please explain and give details!




  1. sometimes i can do read the future of others....

    but i don' know how to explain it...

  2. Actually, it's in my bloodline.

    I'm apart of a German Gypsy bloodline almost wiped clean from the earth during the Holocaust. I'm usually good with sensing things, finding auras, emotions, people, paranormal things like "ghosts", and I'm especially good with receiving visions in my sleep. I like playing Tarot cards, too. They help open up your third eye.

  3. When I was younger I knew when things were going to happen before they did(a car accident), people calling. I think I was more in tune. I think I tuned it out as I got older. I do believe that God gives us ESP to protect us-like knowing when a car is going to pull out or pass, things like that.

  4. I cannot say that I have ever witnessed any paranormal activity in my life.  So I doubt that I posses a sixth sense that no one else has.  There are moments when I get deja vu for some strange reason and there are moments when I feel like a can predict the future.  However, I cannot be sure that I really am experiencing paranormal activity in my life.

  5. I don't know if what happens to me qualifies as ESP or if I'm a visionary, an empath, a clairvoyant, or something else.  There are a lot of possible terms, most of which I don't fully understand.  All I know is that I often sense things about places and people and most of the time, I'm right.  

    Sometimes, I see pictures in my head, flashes of people or events, and the pictures come with feelings.  For instance, someone was telling me she'd been set up on a blind date.  I knew nothing about the person she was being set up with.  I got a flash in my head, a picture of the person, and a terrible twisty feeling in the pit of my stomach.  She decided not to go on the blind date and it turned out to be a good thing.  She later learned that he had a history of not taking "NO" for an answer.  (The person who set her up had been unaware of this.)

    The problem with my abilities is that I can't control them.  They come when they want to.  I read tarot cards for friends, but I always tell them before I start that I can't guarantee accuracy.  When I'm "on", I'm DEAD on, but when I'm "off", I'm REALLY off.

  6. Well, it's possible that if our minds are racing so much that they travel in time.

  7. extra sensory perception. you sound like a visionary. A visionary communicates in pictures and they use the word see a lot when speaking eg do you see what i mean . your esp  is your intuition your vision your feeling and your prohecy these are our spiritual gifts. their is also a dynamic side to these gifts ( 42 combinations) intuition is clairaudience it means clear hearing. vision is clairvoyance it means clear seeing. feeling is psychometry. prophecy is trance and knowing. one cannot read minds yet one can hear thoughts. one cannot see the future because of change but they can see the big picture.everyone has these gifts but only some trust them.

  8. Yes, maybe almost everyone does.  Here is a commonplace example. You have a chiropractor's appointment. You have 6 or 7 minutes to wait and read.In that time you come across a new invention or contraption and an exercise supposed to do wonders for someone with a problem you never heard of before and for some reason you take the writeup along with you. Later you phone a friend and return a call, and he happens to ask you, "You don't know anything about such and such do you?" and that such and such is exactly what you saved the info. about, and you pass it on...he has a family member in need of it.  

    We never know EVERYthing and cannot expect to.  Mayb e this is chance.  It's good.

  9. I think this happens to all of us...some more than others. I think it happens at times when we don't even realize it. I think if we paid  more attention..we'd realize after awhile that ESP is happening to us. Actually, I'm not sure we can know if we have it unless the other person tells us that we "read their mind" etc. How many times have you said to someone, "That's just what I was thinking!"? Or..said it to yourself without telling them. Sometimes you might say something and others will give you a funny look. Sometimes they'll tell you that you were reading their mind..and sometimes not tell you.Some people think that if someone has more ESP than means they can do it constanly ..and this isn't true.  That's why skeptics keep saying ,"Prove it!".You CAN'T "prove it"..It happens when it WANTS to happen. You can't usually control it. What's bad is when you do it and you don't want to. I think it's not a good thing to intrude into other people's minds just for fun. I can see it being useful at certain to read the mind of someone or an animal who needs help but can't talk...or to read the mind of someone who means you harm. But just to "show off" I think is wrong and against the right to privacy.

  10. once i had a dream wherei saw everything that happened the next day. it even included the front cover of the newspaper what my mom made my for breakfast and that i would find a 20$ on the street to school

  11. Thought are things, thoughts are energy.  When one of the space shuttle projects was orbiting earth, the astronauts were in possession of a number of sealed envelopes.  Students at a university were asked to think of the astronauts on a certain day, at a certain time.  The astronauts were to open the envelopes and think of the contents at exactly the same time.  The contents were pictures of dogs, cats, a box, a pencil etc.  The students were able to identify every picture accurately.  ESP or reading the energy of thoughts.  Good question.  Bye, Terry

  12. I started reading Sylvia Brown's contacting your Spirit Guide any way one day I got the feeling that I needed to stop at the nursing home and see my great aunt.  I saw a woman who had Alzheimers who could not remember anything in her life.  Less than a week later we got the word that she had passed away.  I felt such relief that I was able to see the shape she was in and it made it so much easier to say good bye.

  13. Yes I have predicted many things and I also can tell what is going on far away from me.  I am not good enough to turn it on and off just yet, but I am sure that I will be soon,  I have answered another question on here telling of a dream I had predicting my mothers death 5 years before it happened and also a 24 hour heads up on the planes and the World Trade Center, and also a few other plane crashes. I have proof as I told people in  advance of  what I saw and the one of my mother was written down years before. ... so I believe.  Hope this helps. Sorry I did not want to re-write my whole other answer to another question again.  Do you see the future?

  14. this my dad account. so everytime i am sick i would have nightmare's mostly same from young sometimes is "episode" of the world "ending" people dieing.

  15. Yes.  In different ways.  Dreams (my dream instances are mostly the sad type - bad news or a death follows quite soon after the dream.  A physical response on my part in response to a voice on the phone and three times after a personal meeting or introduction with handshake.  My personal physical response was from mild to extreme.  The mild was after an introduction,  just felt absent-minded for a few minutes, but didn't know why. When I mentioned this later on to my brother, he told me that this girl had confided in him that she sometimes fealt she knew things ahead of time.  The most extreme involved two incidents about the same person, first, her voice on the phone gave me an uncomfortable feeling in my stomache, the second was inability to concentrate and a feeling of frozen, my hands gripped the back of a chair, until I mentioned these feelings to my daughter, who had just recently met this particular acquaintance and was getting ready to go on a day trip with her.  When I shared my feelings with my daughter, she threw her hands in the air and responded that she wouldn' be going.  It turns out that my daughter had been having mixed feelings about going as well.  She did not associate withthis girl after this.  

    The medium physical response was after being introduced to someone through my husband.  It was in a gathering of people in a home, after I shook this person's hand, I was uneasy and uncomfortable for the rest of the evening.  I did not mingle, but stayed in one spot on the couch and talked with our hostess mostly.  When I mentioned it to my husband on the way home, he told me that this man had just recently been through a lot of emotional turmoil.  Again - it's the negative energy I picked up.

    These instances are few and far between.  

    The dream/feeling/vibes are very strong in my family.

    In my Mom's early years, it was considered morbid to crazy.

    The more frequent things are the phone calls, especially when you haven't heard from someone in a long time, and you are thinking about them,  then they call.  With my husband, A lot of times, I can predict an action he is going to take  within a few hours, or something he is going to say.

    There are those of us who believe, those who don't and those who question.  One step further is those of us who know.

    I also had a very beautiful vision once at a burial of someone very dear and close to me.  When I lifted my head, with a smile, every one else was crying.  They hadn't seen what I had.

  16. 3rd dimensional reality co-exists with ESP every second of my life.

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