
Have you ever experienced a situation where you asked for something & the person said, "I can't", but just...?

by Guest62386  |  earlier

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Didn't want to give it to you?

EX: You might ask your sister, "Hey, can I have a piece of your brownie?" & she says, "I can't b/c this is all I have left." & then, you turn your back, & catch her in the ACT of pulling a WHOLE 'nother brownie out of her bag & giving it to her boyfriend."

But later, she wants some of your sprite, & you say, "No b/c you didn't give me a piece of your brownie, but you gave it to your b/f." Then she blackmails you & says, "If you don't give me your sprite, I'm going to tell mom that you were on the computer when you're supposed to be punished."

***This EXACT situation didn't happen to me, but I just wonder if you've ever experienced something similar to this before.

I just heard it happen to a couple of kids of the coworkers that my friend works with.




  1. niicee

    that sounds like something a normal kid would do...

  2. Yeah. I do this all the time to strangers, but never to family members or co-workers. Blackmailing your family is horrible. Strangers at my school come up and ask for change or stuff like that and I tell them I'm broke. I think it's ok if you just don't want to give someone something while avoiding an outright, "No."


    Happy birthday.


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