
Have you ever experienced being misread by someone?

by Guest33432  |  earlier

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there is a couple at my work place i really admire. they're always together, do things together, very sweet & caring with each other. i loved staring at them, wishing when i get married (next year) my marriage would be like theirs. but one day the woman saw me staring & she misinterpreted it into, me liking her husband! she started telling everyone & now all her friends see me like a w***e! my admiration & respect to their relationship instantly vanished when i learned what she is telling to everybody. i stopped & even don't want to give a glance at them now. how should i react? what would you do?




  1. She wasn't confident enough in the first place.

  2. can u pull her aside and talk to her? tell her what u told us... that you admired them as a couple n wished u will have a happy marriage like that n that you are getting married next year. if its awkward, write her a letter or something.

    thats very unfortunate...i see why your admiration is gone. she is obviously very insecure.

    yes i've been misread, it hurts.  if you cant fix the problem you just have to move on. your intentions were good n it just shows she has the problem.

  3. Go to the woman and tell her exactly why you were staring.  

  4. Have u tried telling her what you've just said? I would go to her & tell her  

  5. She feels this way because of you staring? Something doesn't sound right. Maybe the husband might have made a comment to her about you that ticked her off or got her jealous. Chances are thats the case. It makes no sense her treating you like that and shes never even spoke to you. I hate to say it but chances are it's the husband that said SOMETHING? And by the way, just because they look happy from the outside doesn't mean they are. I'm not saying their not either. But you can't judge people and how their circumstances are just by looking at them. I would go right up to her and say>>>excuse me>>>but did I do something to you to upset you? Thats what I would do.

  6. I would go to your boss and tell him/her what you have just told us. Tell your boss that you are extremely hurt and insulted by the terrible things that this woman has been saying about you to all your co-workers and she is making it very hard for you to come to work every day. Ask your boss to step in and take control of this situation. This woman is committing slander, which is against the law and it could be considered a form of sexual harassment. If your boss refuses to help you stop this woman's behavior, then you have a legal case against both this woman and your boss. If things don't get any better, which they probably won't, I would seriously consider finding another job.

    This is a perfect example of why most employers will not allow a husband and wife to both work for their company. Jealousy or the couple not getting along with each other causes too many problems.

  7. Yes, that has happened to me a few times, mainly because I'm single, so some married women tend to think that anyone single is after their husbands.  One time, a woman showed me a picture of she and her husband dressed to the nines and I innocently remarked that I thought it was a nice picture and she looked lovely and that her husband was handsome.  It was the worst thing I could have said as she became my enemy after that.  After that and a couple of other similar occasions, I have tried to make it a point never to say anything complementary concerning someone's husband as it will be taken the wrong way.  

  8. You know you didn't do anything wrong so hold your head high and go on with life. This sounds easier then it is. Have you tried talking to them? Putting this behind you, quickly, will help you feel better.

  9. tell them to do one :)

  10. y the h**l u were staring them.  u shud have been admiring from ur heart. whats the need to stare at them..... its weird.  anywys now u cant give any clarification be at a distance  

  11. this woman is a *****.

    i would approach her hubby and tell him what you said here, flirt gently with him/ befriend him etc.  let him know you think he's a great hubby.  his wife will flip out but you've done nothing wrong.

    she's a jealous cow, wind her up.

  12. if i was you i would pull her aside and tell her what you was thinkin if she is any normal nice caring person she might listen to you and apologise for the things she said . good luck hun !!

  13. Tell her exactly what you have siad here. If she refuses to believe you, consider changing jobs to a higher pay one. No one has the right to slander you, which may itslef be illegal.

  14. You're already reacted when you decided to stop looking at them. You learned a valuable lesson - don't judge a book by it's cover. This couple looked PERFECT, but she is obviously the green-eyed monster of jealousy. Move on, and don't become the monster.  

  15. I don't get it what does having admiration for there marriage and relationship have to do with you staring at her husband. I don't see how staring at the man gos hand and hand with that.

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