I was just wondering about this because over the weekend, my hubby and I were at a local grocery store and this happened.
A woman was in front of us and she was complaining on her cell phone to someone about the chick in front of her taking forever because she had a cart-full of groceries and was paying with WIC checks and her food stamp card. She was saying some really ugly stuff. When we peered forward to look at the girl, I felt kind of sorry for her bc she was all by herself trying to deal with 2 other kids and she was pregnant. If someone was in the store with her, they weren't helping her up there in line. Now, I don't know what this girl's situation was....those kids may not have been her's...who knows in this day and age? Still, I thought it was really ugly for that woman directly in front of us to spout off like that. Even if she was aggitated, she could have kept the comments quiet until she got into her vehicle. I just thought the whole thing was ugly. The girl in front just flashed her a dirty look but never said anything. The cashier looked kind of embarrassed and was trying to check the girl out as quickly as possible. When the lady in front of us got up to the register, she told the cashier that "there should be a "separate line" for THEM who pay with THOSE THINGS bc they just jam up the line for others who pay normally." It just made for an uncomfortable situation.
I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like that. What did you do or say?