
Have you ever experienced the paranormal? and if you have, how do you know its not just your imagination???

by Guest60753  |  earlier

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Have you ever experienced the paranormal? and if you have, how do you know its not just your imagination???




  1. No I haven't but I think it would be your imagination. The mind can play tricks on you when you let it. Do you maybe have a chemical imbalance? Check into it and good luck. Leave your lights on at night...... you may see more if you do.

  2. If the event comes to pass, say in a dream............. I don't exactly call this a blessing myself but I'm not a Pyschic either, just intuitive and have had dreams.

  3. I had a dream about a friend of mine I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face was messed up. So when I woke up I looked his name up online & came across his obit & a newstory that he died in a car crash. Can't get much more paranormal then that. Too coincidental to be my imagination.

  4. You know because your awareness is heightened. Usually your hairs stand up and you may feel cold as if the tempreture has dropped in the room. Many of us on here have discussed seeing cats a-leaping out of the corner of our eyes and I know that my cats see them too as they run after them. LOL. My cats would run right into the closet door chasing them. The ghost cats could obviously disappear through the door. On my last day in the apartment I saw one full fledged. It was a Siamese and it was just walking right underneath where I was standing. Not paying me any mind at all. My father and I lost a typewriter which was on the same stand for twenty years. I patted the empty area with my hands. My father could not believe that someone would steal that typewriter and nothing else since it was so old. It idisappeared for about ten minutes then there it was back in its' usual place. I don't know , I guess the answer to your question is when two or more people experience the same thing you get the hunch it is not your imagination. I know , I know, the Salem WItch Trials , mass hysteria, the spores on the wheat that caused the hallucinations...etc.,. somehow this is not the same. The incidents are too small to make a big deal of.

  5. to be honest, I am not sure if paranormal is different from supernatural. THAT i have experienced.

    One time i was house sitting, and there was a knocking on the door in the middle of the night. it was really regular knocking intervals, and nobody was there. There weren't any kids around, so I knew nobody was just playing jokes. When I talked about it at work, my boss said it was a knocking ghost...I don't know about that, but I do think it was some sort of spirit messing with me.

  6. I don't think you ever know for just know it happened.

    EDIT Sometimes I think the skeptics are the "blessed" ones...some of these paranormal things can drive you crazy..especially if you think about them too much. And the reaction from the church people..who you think would believe in spiritual horrible. And just try saying in public that you saw a ufo and see what happens to your life!! So I'm just going to leave the skeptics in peace. Doesn't mean I won't be on here..but I'm not going to try to convince anyone of anything anymore.

    EDIT..hislady...Is that what that is???when you feel like someone is pouring love all over you..and you have to cry (for happy_)??? I sure miss that feeling!!!

  7. I thought mine was my mind messing with me... but I was home alone and watching TV, and we have a big screen TV and I saw a black figure walk through out kitchen, in the reflection of the TV. At first I looked behind me, nothing was there and I figured it HAD to be something on TV.

    Well, I told my mom that night, and she MADE me tell my step dad, who then told me he's seen things walking around the house. He's been laying on the couch at night and seen a black figure walk from my brother's room to him and my mom's room.


  8. Yes -- saw it (white cloudy type figure - hard to explain) -- it's been gone for a while now for some reason - which makes me kind of sad because I felt "warm" inside when it was around.   It turned toys on, knocked a glass jar off a desk, and other things -- and my two grandbabies have seen it too......I know they exist -- I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER.  Am I afraid -- not at all.  I want it to come back.

  9. how do you know you woke up this morning? maybe your still asleep and this is all a dream and your imagining all of this.

  10. I have had many experiences with paranormal activity since I was very young.  My Grandmother was parents had abilities as well.  My ability is I can feel & hear spirits after they cross over & back.  I have had dreams that came true.  I sense danger while it is happening to either a loved one or if it affects me in some way.  I see spirits when others can't.  My siblings are like me .  We all have special gifts.   It is not my imagination.  It is very real.   When I was young I thought I was loosing my mind.....dreams were coming real.....I would see spirits.....I would hear noises that were not really dishes being smashed against a wall.....or footsteps coming down the stairs or in the kitchen & no one else was there to the human eye.....things would disappear then reappear in the oddest places....I saw dark figures standing at my bedside with a Aura touched me a couple times.....felt like dry ice to the touch....a burn to the skin.....I have felt the temperature in the room grow so cold you could see your breath.....but the minute you left that cold room the temperature would be normal......It is all very very real.     Many people are unable to open up their extra sensory perception.  They are blocked.   These are the people that do not believe in anything they can not see past their nose.

  11. i have experienced the paranormal....i.e i dreamt that Steve irwin would die of a freak accident with something piercing his chest and exactly a month later it happened...this also happened with numerous bombing attacks in other countries (eg London) and car crashes... Is this what you mean by the 'paranormal' i have also seen a ghost of a little girl around 8 years old wearing like clothes worn in the 18th century..

    it gets really creepy and scares me. im 15 but im gettin use to it as it started when i was 5.  i know its not my imagination as , idon't know, i just do because i can see it... iknow its real, it's a feeling that originates from deep inside you, you just know.....

    hope that helps

  12. Oh yes, when we lost our cat to cancer, I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eye going into another room--just the tail or hips and tail, it took a second to remember he was 'gone' and when I'd go look he wasn't there.  This happened on him and with another one we lost to renal failure, seeing them for about 2 weeks off and on.  

    I thought it was my imagination, but when I got frustrated and mentioned it to my significant other he looked at me and got all relieved, HE'D been seeing the same thing and was afraid to tell me.

    Both cats were around for about two weeks then moved on to wherever spirit cats go.

  13. Yeah, try having you uncle's bedroom. he died about 30 years ago when he was 18. I own some of his belongings too. SOmetimes I just lay down when I feel sad, and I talk to the open space in the room like he's there, and I feel better. Once, when I was crying across my bed, I even felt a hand rub and my back gently. My uncle Mike is more a a gaurdian angel than a haunting presence to me. I welcome anything paranormal with open arms...

    Anyways, people believe what they believe. If deep down inside of you you think that your encounter was genuine, then go with it. You don't have to prove anything to yourself if you were there and saw the evidence.

  14. Sometimes you know it because other people witness it. I have weird premonitions sometimes - stupid stuff like, I'll start singing a song out of nowhere and it will come on the radio, or I'll know something is going to happen and I'll tell people, and then it happens. There is a feeling you get that is different from just a wish or just your imagination. If you don't have it, I can understand why you wouldn't believe it, because it sounds ridiculous. But, it's true.

  15. Ah, someone finally acknowldeges the elephant in the room.

  16. How do I know? Honestly? Cause I can hear sounds, such as being able to hear my guardian angels wings moving (ever heard a bird flap his wings? Sounds the same, only on a larger scale). Because our dead cat climbs up on the bed, curls against me, and purrs. I can feel AND hear the purring. Because I was falling asleep one night and I distinctly heard my father's voice--he's got a voice I will never forget. Because when an angel wraps you in his wings and gives you a loving hug on a day you really need it...there is NO mistaking the feel of the love they send, it's so open and so honest and so pure, so unconditional it brings me to tears every single time. Because I've found myself speaking in a very thick Scottish brogue that I canNOT fake to save my life. Little things like that.

  17. Sometimes it IS my imagination, but mostly it is not.

    It's normal for us to imagine movement and things in our peripheral vision when we are overtired, to do a double-take when we think we've seen something. Even those of us who have "smellavision" could possibly have a brain short circuit that causes those strong smells (eg. tobacco smoke or perfume that just come out of nowhere), I'm not convinced that they are real, in spite of experiencing them.

    But when you really experience a paranormal encounter, there's no chance that you can mistake it for imagination.

    I can only go by my own experience, and other people, including sceptics can only go by their own experience, there is no right or wrong, only personal truth, which is unique to each of us.

    I grew up thinking that everyone had spooks, and I was surprised to find out that they didn't. I won't go into specific sightings, too many , but I will tell you that in two cases I was not alone when I saw an apparition, and the people with me saw exactly the same thing at the same time. There was no leading or following, we each said a little of what we saw, enough for us to both be sure that we saw the same thing. In one case a fellow artist and myself both did drawings (we were separated) of the entity we'd seen together , they were identical.  Not earth-shattering, but very reasurring for one's sanity I can tell you.

  18. As a toddler and young child, I regularly had night terrors in which I would see what my parents said I called "The Crunchy Men." I don't really remember this at all - which is strange, because I remember other things from this time. Probably as a cause of trauma, or the fact that I was most likely not fully awake. My mom said I drew them once, though, to show a child psychologist, and they resembled little men with huge heads and large, gaping fang-filled mouths.

    What I DO remember, though, was regularly seeing shadowy figures in the doorway to my bedroom, and around my room in general - at the time, they scared me stupid. I don't consider any of this to be paranormal, however; since I've grown up, I can recreate these 'shadows' by staring long enough at the dark. Your mind tries to create familiar patterns out of things in low-light situations, especially after you first turn out the lights. I also regularly saw large spiders in the folds of my bed covers.

    After rationalizing my experiences as a child, I can say that I think much of what people claim to experience are optical illusions, magnified by the imagination.

    As for the "Crunchy Men," we found that the night terrors began happening in the aftermath of seeing my grandmother immediately after a car accident; we got there before they got her out of the car, and I think the stress of seeing her like that - at that age - caused me to have lucid nightmares for a time.

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