
Have you ever experimented with drugs?

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Have you ever done LSD, Coke or Heroin, for instance? Any of the "harder" drugs? I suspect a lot of us have "tried" marijuana. (Of course few of us inhaled, or was that exhaled?)




  1. Nope I'm 17 and go out most weekends yet have never taken drugs (apart from alcohol of course!)

    I'm normally high on life so I don't feel the need! :)

  2. umm not coke or herioin there to scary but lsd shrooms and mj are all good

  3. I've tried: marijuana, cocaine, mushrooms, ecstacy, heroin (not with needles!), oxy contin (sp?), and morphine. I want to try LSD, but I don't know where to get it, at least from someone I trust.

    Ecstacy, heroin, and morphine did not really affect me. I don't know if I just got duds or what. Either way, the only drugs I would consider doing again would be marijuana and shrooms. Cocaine is way too expensive and addictive, and makes me depressed. And I will NEVER use needles, ever!

    I've heard shrooms eat holes in your brain, too, so that's something I would only do once in a blue moon.

    BTW, I am a straight-A college student with a full-time job and my own apartment. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes, and have no addictions, so I'm living proof that experimenting doesn't ruin your life.

  4. I experimented with drugs once.  I put a joint at one end of a maze & a piece of cheese at the other.  I wanted to see how long it took the joint to get to the cheese.  But the joint just sat there & wouldn't move at all.

  5. I've tried MJ,LSD,WHITE LIGHTING,basicly all,even something that we candy.

  6. yes...I grew up when hippies, free love, LSD, coke, Heroin, and Viet-Nam, was an everyday staple.....I became a chemist, so that I could refine, alter, and change drugs to suit the needs, wants, and desires, of my; what did you want to know about "hard drugs"? Back then, only Heroin was considered habit-forming.......chemistkat -out

  7. Absolutely I have tried just about everything.  I have stayed away from the cheap highs like Ketamine, Duster, Max impact, and Meth.  Not saying I havent done them, just stay away from those.

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