
Have you ever faked an o****m?

by  |  earlier

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to not hurt your man feelings?




  1. Yes alot. I think it is a part of life. Sometimes you just want it over with, especially if he is trying so hard and you just weren't in the mood to begin with.

  2. Nope no reason to fake one cause i have ALWAYS had 1 when my husband and i make love.

  3. Yes I have.

  4. yes long time ago no more

  5. No, I tried once, but he thought I was having a leg cramp.. haha.. :)

    Seriously, if I have to fake it, we need to talk.. I'd much rather help him to make sure I have a real one! :)

  6. OF COURSE!!!! (but if it becomes a regular thing - time to talk, so you dont have to anymore...)  ;)  

  7. YES. On a VERY regular basis. I love him and if he knew how often it was necessary for me to fake it, it could ruin our relationship and I love him so I don't want that to happen!

  8. With my ex i faked the whole way through our relationship. Although..if he went down on me of we used a vibe during s*x..i would o****m.

    I never had an o****m through intercourse (without clitorial stimulation) until i met my now fiance'.

    I should add. its not easy faking an o****m. My ex never figured it out..obviously because he was too busy feeding his ego then actually stopping to see the difference.

    Its quiet supprising how different a real and fake o****m is. I honestly don't think i could pull off a fakey anymore without sounding like a cat on heat. Your breahing changes right before o****m, you shake, you twitch. something that is certainly not easy to pull off and god help you if you ever fake an o****m with a guy who has some idea what it is like when a woman has a real o****m...then you would feel real silly...

  9. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! If I'm in the middle of boring s*x, then yes I will fake it to get it over with.  

  10. I think you will find every woman has done it some time in their life, either because they want their man to feel good, or they have a useless male that has no idea on how to go about things.  

  11. I did when I was young....if the guy totally sucked and I wanted it over :P LOL. Now? I don't need to. My hubby and I are great together.

  12. No never because I never had the option to do so. My husband pleases me really good and I love it every time

  13. Yes, I don't anymore though.

  14. Yes.  It depends on what kind of guy you are with.  Many guys are insecure and could not deal with not being able to cause an o****m.  But some are secure and you can be honest with them.

  15. I have before but not with the guy Im with now. He knows just what to do to drive me crazy!!!!

  16. If u have to fake an o****m why have s*x at all? Let me tell u about my orgasms...When i am about to come ,after my husband teases me first with his hot tongue on my fat p***y,grabs it, eats it, licks it,sucks it, all the while fingering me in the *** and thepussy. So do u think i need to fake an o****m? h**l NO!! ITs better than a roller coaster ride baby>>>>>

  17. how many chicks need a diesel powered jackhammer to get started?

  18. Do you mean today?  We all fake it sometimes, sorry if this offends someone.

  19. as a man, I have faked it for the woman. she really didn't know what she was doing and I was ready to go, so I faxed the shake and got out of their.

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