
Have you ever fallen...?

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...asleep while driving home from work? I do regularly. How long can I continue to do that before the unthinkable happens?




  1. yes i have it sucks. i have gone as far as hit the rocks on the side of the road. it sucks. when i was younger i came home pulled up to my drive way decided to close my eyes. next thing you know my mom comes up to my car and says how long are you going to take a nap for. it was 40 minutes after i pulled up to the driveway. i went in and snoozed for two more hours.  

  2. Please be careful.

    I fell asleep on the bus, thank goodness, I don't drive.

    Call a taxi, perhaps?


    Be safe.

  3. You're living on borrowed time if you keep doing that. I did when I worked 4 jobs. Sounds like you need to drop 1 of yours or reschedule your nights so you can get more sleep. If your eyes start drooping and opening a window, blasting the music or coffee or coke aren't working, just pull over and catch 15. You'll feel better and maybe get home without killing yourself or someone else. Best of luck!!!

  4. yeah, thats not safe

  5. It takes me around 2 hours to get back home from I normally fall asleep in my is I have opted for office cabs to and fro office. Its safe. U also pls try not to fall asleep during driving...keep some light music on while driving.


  7. not yet. thank god. but, i worry about that at times. sometimes i can get really sleepy even when i actually get sleep. not sure why.

  8. I have too and it's d**n dangerous.  

    I'm going to a sleep therapist because they think I have chronic fatigue.  Get checked out.

  9. No. If I were that tired I'd call someone or take a cab. It's not only yourself you could hurt. Think how you would feel if you fell asleep and killed someone

  10. Yeah I work nights and there has been the odd time I have drifted off too, not good!

  11. i try not too..but nope never have.

  12. Not funny at all.... :(

    It would be very devastating to me if something were to happen to you..

  13. drive? i thought your kind flies?

    all kidding aside, very dangerous my dear

    call me on the bat phone, and i'll drive you home

  14. when its too late.  You need to stop this now!

  15. Never has happened to me ....

    Please, be more careful!

  16. That's what happens when they take Starbucks away  

  17. babe youve got to be careful! thats not good!

    i havent!  

  18. Nope, lmfao. I'm too younq, ie dont work && drive :]

  19. yes and i am found in the dark end of a hallway

  20. me, same

    be careful, ok

  21. Happens to me sometimes, that's why I decided to hire a driver. That's very dangerous, my dear.

  22. Urgent : Please send me a diagram of your route.

    It is a matter of (our) life and death!!  

    Take care, eh??  

    Drive carefully! :)

  23. no and thats nott good

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