
Have you ever fallen victim to a 'word' trend?

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You ever hear a phrase that sounds funny or 'cool' and you end up saying it yourself?

Like for example, a looong time ago when i was in middle school some kid reacted to some comment and said "holy ham sandwich!" and i thought it was freakin hilarious. From then on I ended up saying that phrase (even to this day..i'm 26 now.) and the same humorous results (or weird looks, with at least a smirk) were acheived.

Even now with my wife, she loved to call everyone and their momma 'jerk' and as cheesy as it sounded throughout these years NOW i say the stupid word constantly.

So what 'word' trends have any of you fallen victim to?




  1. i started one! i said lolification accidentally one day, and now half the people in my class r saying it!

    but yeah ive got 2 words that one of my friends always says and that i use all the time now: ZOMG, and "bulk"

    the theres a third one that we both say, he insists he started it, i insist i did... cripple sticks (its what we call crutches)

  2. Wicked, BTW (my roommate used to say that for by the way and I do it now), Defo (for definitely), Saying yeah as Yea-uh

    Oh, I do it alllll the time!

  3. all the time! i am in highschool so there are lots of new words that come and go!

    OMG (oh my gosh) ( say it really dramaticly when someone says they are going to the toilet or something)

    LOL (laugh out loud)(when something is funny but not worth using the energy to laugh)

    then there is holy cow, brother from another mother, sister from another mista, holy tonsilitus batman, and then when you are telling a story you start it off with "this one time at band camp" you can also use cheer camp, choir camp, pony club camp, basically use your imagination! and when something is funny u say thats HIL-ARI-OUS! ahh the list goes on i hope this helps

  4. My girlfriend comes to visit once a year and she always brings me buzz words.  "you know what" was another way of saying back off, shut up or swear words.  It's the one I still use today.

  5. haha everytime i go visit my cousin she always has new words and sayings that i always wind up saying. the newest one is "sit down boy" haha its kinda just a way to say "settle down" i guess. but the tone of voice she says it in is hilarious.

    we also ALWAYS call our moms "nanna" just as a joke that we made up a couple years ago but that's pretty much all i've called my mom for like 3 years now. haha and "betch" that's another one we say alot. kinda dumb but yeah. and whenever something is just completely insane we don't use words like weird or strange or different or insane or odd...we always say "thats just RIDICULOUS" hahah every single time. but yeah..there's plenty of other ones...

  6. 'yo mama'

    'OHHH EMMMM GEEEE' <- dramatic annoying sort of way

    'EL OH EL! [lol]' <- yet again dramatic way


    'thats so g*y' [i feel ashamed but its a bad habit]

  7. only on saturday nights othervise its snore city HA HA

  8. Pretty much anything said on "Seinfeld." For instance:

    -Moses smell the roses

    -Sweet fancy Moses

    -Yo-yo ma

    -Hoochie mama


    Also, I've fallen into the habit of saying, "Holy ____, Batman!"

    Like, if I see a car accident on the freeway, I'll say, "Holy traffic jam, Batman!" I can't seem to make myself stop.

  9. Not so much.

    Although a guy I worked with thirty years ago used to call everything a controversy.  I still use that term to describe an auto accident.

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