
Have you ever felt devoid.... Polll....full of it.....or ......devoid....?

by Guest58349  |  earlier

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flourecent hands on the clock

dim to nothing at all

it it mocks the passing time

set my watch to beep every hour

to infuriate me a little further

temples throb and eyelids twitch

but I'm devoid devoid

No longer am I stong to the evils of the world

overstep evdry boundary

impervious to serendipity

can't unfold my arms

anger boils like molten lava

I'm devoid devoid.....

A thought carries me away

I can't remember where..

all alone again ..

me and my troubled mind

I'ts not the chill of winter it

s the chill inside that turns

me to ice.

arm fall asleep on the window sill

I'm so devoid..\\

AAArrrr aaaarr aaaahhh arrr ahhhh\

AAArrrr aaaarr aaaahhh arrr ahhhh\

AAArrrr aaaarr aaaahhh arrr ahhhh\

Sooooo devoid




  1. I'm feelin it...

  2. are not yourself sweetie.

  3. Aw, that was pretty cool. I liked it. LOL

  4. Full of it,,,

    When the heart yearns

    the arms reaches out

    nothing but a shadow there

    the spirit feels devoid

    Look again & rub the eyes

    like magic he appears

    warmth & love a flowing

    to cleanse & clears away any void,,,,

    I'm here!!!!! Woot!! That was some deep thoughts,,,

  5. Find someone to love. It will fill you and help you work out some of that anger. *wink*

  6. I like it, really.......and coming from you it surprises me. Just can't see you as devoid so job well done!!

  7. That was really good...

    I'd like to put that to acoustic guitar music...

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