
Have you ever felt like that?

by  |  earlier

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Like you wanted to dump everything and just let it die? Not caring? I'm actually feeling tired, as if I don't really want to live my life. There are things I want to do, and I've been trying to do them for a long time, things that would make my life the way I want it to be, but even them seem to disappoint me, since they're not really working.

I feel like leaving things the way they are, and just go to some place where I won't know anyone, and things could be just calm and peaceful and stuff like that.. And It's like I always prefer being alone and thinking my stuff, instead of being with others. I also have to follow what I'm obliged to do (go to university, get a job), and these are things that I don't feel like doing. And when my family asks me "what do I want to do", I just raise my shoulders, saying nothing. It's like I don't really care. So they ask me: "And what are you going to do in a few years from now?" And I'm like "I don't know".

And that's all. Have you ever felt like that? And what did you do about it?




  1. Yeah right now I feel that way.  You should see a counselor and take meds. it might help,

  2. yes many times....but I would pray and keep on going..

  3. Sure I have. I think it's normal for people to question their existence from time to time. Sometime it's best to go through the motions for awhile because inspiration may be just around the corner. Like the concert pianist whose mother forced him to practice everyday, even though he didn't want to, but now is so glad that he did.

  4. After I graduated highschool in 06 I felt really pressured when people asked me what my plan was. Like you...I had no answer for them. This is how I look at it:

    Going to school is for people who know what they want to do. I personally feel like I'm wasting my money by going to a university, taking bullsh** classes and basically wasting my time.

    So what I did...I moved. I moved from one side of the state to another last year.

    Got away from old habits and am starting my own life. Starting what my idea of success is.  

    Throughout life you're going to feel so many ups and downs

    Just stay connected with your emotions. Sometimes they won't have any logic to them.

    So you have to disconnect sometimes and look at them from a logic point of view.

    Keep in mind the important things in life and don't burn your bridges.

    Good luck ~ Never stop dreaming

  5. I don't think there's a young person or adult out there that hasn't felt this.  It's called "life's ups and downs".  Ride this feeling through, then pick yourself up, dust off and move forward.  It might sound corny, but it's true....the sun's gonna shine again tomorrow, so make the most of it.  Hang in, it'll pass. :)

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