
Have you ever felt like this??

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when you think you're too fat, you think you could kill yourself, and think you are ugly and no boy would like you? i've been having all of those problems, how did you cope if you had feelings like these?




  1. Lose weight. Diet. Excersise. Be active.

    Try to make yourself look pretty up to your own standards. Wear makeup. New haircut that suits you. Theres many things you can do to boost your self esteem. Good luck.

  2. I've Felt Like that Its an On and Off thing for me, But since I'm A Christian I don't Ever think about killing myself but the other things yes. Well I feel Fats Sometimes and stuff, but What I'm amazed by is I'm not fat, and alot of people they Sometimes thing there fat.fatter then everyone but they really aren't. I have a Friend whos like Thinner then me But She thinks that I'm Thinner then me. And yes No Boy Ever Liked me and I am Kind of ugly, but I don't think to much of it because life Can Be So Short and I don't want to waste it by worrying about my look theres more important things then look.

  3. No, And if a guy doesn't like you for you why bother?

  4. I used to feel like that all the time. Then one day I realized that anyone who only would like me for what I looked like wasn't worth batting an eyelash at.

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