
Have you ever felt like this while you were gregnant?

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i am now pregnant with my second child, but im not all that excited. my husband and i were trying for a second baby, but once i found out i was like ummm ok. with my first baby i was so excited. i don't know what is going on with me. it's almost like i can't love the unborn baby as much as i love my daughter. are these feelings normal? will they go away? is it because i can see and play with my daughter and the new baby is in my belly? please help i hate feeling like this.




  1. Very normal.  I hate to sound like  a broken record but its hormones.  I felt that way about my pregnancy for the first four months, then something hormonal changed and I'm excited as can be.  Wait it out, your hormones are changing and causing you to feel that way.  

  2. Relax you will be fine once the new baby arrives and you will go on with your happy!!!Good Luck

  3. I asked this exact question not that long ago..

    Here is an extract from what was the best answer I got

    "As it turns out... you do not have to cut your heart in half and make them share. Instead, your heart simply doubles in size! You will absolutely love and adore BOTH of your children. It seems unfathomable now, but it happens. Its truly magical. Your children are individuals, so you will love them in different ways, but no more or less.

    Dont think of it as something that will cause your relationship to suffer. Think of it as an opportunity for your relationship to expand and deepen as you share in the love of a new little person together, and you enjoy getting to know him or her together"

    As my pregnancy has progressed I started to get excited, all I thought of to start of with was how my relationship with my daughter would suffer, but watching her get excited about our new arrival has been amazing, it a different kind of love for your second, but by no means less powerful than your first and trust me IT WILL COME.

    when people told me that I would fall in love with the baby im having (im 18 weeks pregnant with my second at the moment) I thought they just didnt understand, but it is true. I feel like my whole life is dedicated to my little girl and I didnt want that to change, I realise now that it wont, it will simply be dedicated to 2 not 1.

    It is a horrible feeling I agree, and i honestly dont know where it comes from, but hang in there and get your daughter involved. It has brought me and my daughter (6 yrs old) closer and she is so excited about the new arrival! Sometimes I wonder who is the one having the baby, me or her! :)

    Good luck...feel free to email me :)

  4. Just relax. Being pregnant is so weird and full of different and strange emotions. Of course it is gonna be different with your second. Just trust that you will love your baby. You will. Don't worry. :)

  5. I KINDA had a situation like this I have twins and when I found out I was worried that I wouldn't be able to love them both equally but once they where born and now that they have been around for 5 months I love them both VERY much your motherly instincts will kick in don't worry!!  Good luck and congrats!!

  6. theres really nothing we can say or do...there is something deeper that is making you feel like this, did you not mean to get pregnant, were you not expecting it, were you wanting to wait longer?

  7. well ive never been pregnant twice but i can see why this would be a normal feeling. the first baby it was your first time. everything is so exciting the first time becuase everything is new. with this baby its sort of like been there done that, but im sure as soon as you see that babies face your going to melt and fall inlove just as much as you are with your daughter.  

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