
Have you ever felt like you have no feelings at times?

by  |  earlier

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Okay for me, I know I have feelings at times. Like i'm happy, sad, tired, lazy, sleepy, mad, angry, ect. ect. lol Then there are times I just don't feel a thing. I'm still, or i'm lost inside. lol Okay, I know I sound kind of dark/emo right now. lol J/k! Anyways, yeah do you ever have no feelings like that at times? Yes, no, sometimes, ect. ect. Thanks! =]




  1. Completely and utterly numb...? Yeah, sometimes...but it doesn't happen very often.  (Thank goodness.)

  2. yeah, sometimes. (x

  3. yea..... many times

  4. If left alone, I normally feel that way an hour after waking up (Shortest time being 15 minutes). I normally fully wake up after 2-3 hours.

  5. Me i don't have any feelings when i have gotten back at someone ( revenge)

  6. At those times, you're nothing. I love it.

  7. Yes. One time my mom was like kinda sick, so my dad had to take her to the hospital, and surprisingly, I didn't cry. I was sad, but I didn't cry and I didn't really show it either. Then all my relatives kept commenting on how "Well I was taking it." O_O

  8. only after buttsecks with your moms.....wooWEE, sweety, i don't feel ANYTHING down there when im done

  9. YEAH !

    It's a really cool feeling..

    Like you don't really care what happens and your so content.  

  10. Yah, i do sometimes but not right now though  

  11. Yeah that's happened to me many times. It's not fun.  

  12. Ya I do and then my friends always ask what's up and when I say nothing I really mean it. It just is like, well I'm not happy, not really that sad, but I'm more sad than happy cuz I'm not feeling something. I guess the only feeling to describe no feelings is bored?

  13. I think if the situation is disturbing enough you shut down to not lose yourself

  14. yes and i enjoy those times.

  15. there are times, when I feel my life just repeats itself, get up, go to school, come home watch tv, do homework, then sleep.

  16. "felt like you have no feelings"??????


  17. yeah, sometimes I've just felt totally numb

  18. Yes, sometimes I do; but not that often.

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