
Have you ever felt like you have wanted to do something (a hobby) but ending up as you can't?

by  |  earlier

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I'm used to getting what i want, so i just wanted to know weather you have wanted to do something (like a hobby) and your parents couldn't afford it, or for some reason, you just didn't do it.




  1. Yes all the time most of the times

  2. Yep.  Lots of stuff growing up.  I wanted guitar lessons, a dog, karate...sometimes you just have to wait until you're not the one paying for it.  It's good for you to not always get what you want.

  3. Yep.  I would LOVE to be able to paint gorgeous pictures like my friend does.  But, even after taking lessons, I realized I just had absolutely no talent for painting and gave it up.  Same with playing the piano.  My sister and I both took lessons when we were kids, and practiced the same.  She plays beautifully, and I am horrible at it!

    But, I can sew, crochet and knit circles around her.  :-)

  4. Sure all the time. I would love to be able to ski, but I am awful at it.

    When I was growing up, my parents didn't have a lot of money and I always wanted stuff I couldn't have.

    It's dangerous later in life when you always get what you want as a kid. You don't learn the true meaning of the word No and can't handle rejection.

  5. I wanted to learn to play clarinet when I was younger.....had a ROTTEN instructor that made every lesson miserable, so I ended up quitting.  I would LOVE to learn how to knit....just can't get it thru my head how to do it, even with someone showing me.  I can crochet, tho, with no problems.

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