
Have you ever felt...?

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as though there is no point to making an effort to do things? To learn, create relationships with others, live? how will it help me in the long run? I never feel like this. I always live my life to experience but at the moment I wonder what the whole point of it all is. Maybe this question can't be answered.. but I'd love to hear what you all have to say.




  1. yeah dude, but in order to live we must give up our lives. And well, you give your life to God now and he'll grant you a real life. Beyond the material stuff . . that's what you should look forward to. The real life. So right now we must live our lives happy and for God.

  2. ..each day presents another day to you live makes your day...

  3. yes, i think everybody does. but then i don't quit, and at some point later in the future, i get reminded it was worth it because i notice the results of my efforts.

    other times it's like i'm going nowhere and there's no point.

    there are lots of good things in life, but they aren't always around.

  4. The only way there can be a point to anything is if there is an afterlife and a god.  Otherwise even people who go down in history don't matter, because the universe will just end.

    As an atheist, I feel that there is no ultimate purpose.  So I do what gives me pleasure, which happens to include making others happy and going on rollercoasters.  You have to give your own life meaning.

  5. I have felt that way. It is those times that make me search & grow.

    Good Luck!

  6. im trying to figure out what the point of it is

    whats the point of life

    we live it and create relationships with people, and make goals

    and all for what? to die and hope that we go to a better place in the end?

    i think religion is something people believe in to feel safe, and to feel like there is a reason.

    maybe the real reason we live is just to reproduce

    who knows

    we wont ever know the true answer, if there is one, until we die

    but why wait til then

    we have one life to live, might as well make the most of it while we

    are here. instead of wasting it away

  7. I'm not positive, but I think you might not like thinking about the future. Or you might just want to live life exactly how you want, and not let anybody in.

    I'n no expert, but thats my guess.

    Sorry if I completly missed the point.

  8. all the time

  9. to BE or not to Be that is the Question' we exist for several reasons one of which is to have a personal relationship with God .. whoever you think he or she is .. why because we feel empty without spiritual exercise and developement useing tools is also found in apes and we aspire to be more than an animal so we pray and decorating our graves is an early form of proof that we arent animals .. now if i feel bad or down or need to change my ways or life pattern i help someone else i've helped build Habitat homes for people and unloaded trucks for food banks at churches and i just painted a house for a dis-abled man and helped roof a house for someone with out any help so I'd say im ready to be Blessed BY my concept of GOD and if not I'll go help someone else and feel good for doing for another person .  

  10. I normally feel happy and I always try to live life to the fullest. However, when I am sick, I'm lazy, and I can't be bothered to do anything. I feel awful, useless, and weak when I'm sick, which is definitely NOT how I usually am, or feel.
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