
Have you ever felt suicidal after being gbanged?

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I have my first large one coming up and I think I might either love it or honestly want to be dead after it. Has anyone done this? Did you love it? Hate it? I'm 100% going through with it so, please dont try to talk me out of doing it in the first place....thanks




  1. what is gbanged?

    So you are going to have group s*x with a bunch of guys? And you are doing it, but worry you will feel suicidal afterwards....due to shame?

    If you want to experiment with s*x, is being "gbanged" really the way forward? What kind of guys do this ??? You could get AIDS, or worse...

    As for asking if others love it, hate it... I doubt many people have been willfully gbanged for fun.

    You need help and obviously have very low self esteem.

    (as for protection, you need protection from yourself!) and condoms break, and dont protect you from warts or herpes

  2. Naw, it felt great, Abbath, Demonaz and Shagrath were waiting for me when I got home, it was quite a suprise! heheheh

  3. Never done it, never want to do it. Do you have that low of self esteem that you want a bunch of guys to use you up and leave you feeling like a piece of trash. What would your mother say. You need help.

  4. is that a serious question?? "do you love it'?

    oh ya its soooo fun i love it sooo much!! lmao

    your weird!! and you need help!!!

    and your nasty! you must be really ugly to need to be gangbanged to feel loved...cuz im sure thats why ur doin it..

    pathetic!...and sad...


  5. i dont understand how any girl would love to be raped. its like an oxymoron. Why are you doing this? why dont you try it out smaller and do a threesome or something?

  6. Rape makes you feel suicidal regardless of how many people are involved.  

    If you are consenting to a gang bang, then you are already suicidal.  Either that or you have been sexually abused in the past.  People who choose to engage is such blatantly risky sexual behavior have psychological issues relating to either sexual abuse or emotional abuse.  Generally, this kind of abuse leads to incredibly low self esteem.  Women (and some men) such as these tend to allow people to take advantage of them sexually and convince themselves that they wanted it.  If men desire you, it makes you feel like you are worthy.  It makes you feel s**y, strong, in control....  This kind of "control" is false.  The only difference is that you are now abusing yourself.

    By engaging in sexual activity with so many partners, you are exposing yourself do an exponentially larger possibility of contracting a deadly STD.  Condoms are not 100% effective against HIV and herpes.  You can get an STD from oral s*x as well (gonorrhea and chlamydia can infect the throat and mouth).  I have a male friend who never, ever, not even once had s*x without a condom.  He is now HIV positive.  He was only ever with three women.  Just because you THINK you are being safe, does not make you safe.  The very nature of your decision makes you very unsafe.

  7. Hun avoid all contact with them if possible. also, dont get caught alone with them any where they will probably take advantage of you and the other girls. try to talk the others out of it. im so glad your not going to do this anymore, just dont meet up anywhere, and if any of them EVER try stepping your boundries contact the authorities

  8. Canyou go see a therapist first and tell him/her your feelings?  Im not going to try to talk you out of it because its your decision but yes you will feel suicidal afterwards. You will. I hope you choose to protect your dignity because no one else will. And the affection that you get from these guys.. they will never talk to you again afterwards.. only for s*x. People CAN accept you for who you are. They will! You dont need to look to this for any kind of acceptance.   Ive never been gang banged but I have been sexually abused many times, and I am slowly coming to realize that  I am a good person regardless of what has happened to me in the past, and that I shouldnt be looking to other men for acceptance.


    Just tell them that you dont want to do it.  Who cares if they rented a room. If they get all pissed then just tell them again you arent going to do it and hang up. You dont need them or their acceptance, they dont respect women. Im glad you are sticking up for yourself!! Good Job! Let me know how it goes and email me if you need to talk.

  9. gbanged? Gang banged??

  10. I'd be suicidal too!  Geez, girl have some respect for yourself and stop being such a sl*t!

  11. this is an interesting question.  I won't try to talk you out of it, but you need to face the fact that if you're going to do something like this willingly you have some issues that need dealing with.  

    Don't feel bad about it, if you enjoy this sort of thing more power to you, but there have to be issues behind it.

    If you feel suicidal afterwards, then I'd say you are a bit more normal and you doing this was a matter of circumstance.

                                    Just a guess...

    Is your name alexandra?  

  12. How do you tell them no now?  By valuing your self-esteem and health more than their opinions.  Tell them you're getting an abortion that day.  Tell them anything, but if you don't want to do it, don't!

    Fantasy's a lot different from reality.  If you're afraid of feeling suicidal, stick to your fantasies about multiple guys but don't do it.

  13. hope you will be ok if you cannot be talked out of it and do not get aids or worse

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