
Have you ever felt that God wanted you to deliver a message to others?

by  |  earlier

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I have one now: I signed in to find 12 violation notices in my inbox, and 1 unfamiliar, level 1 'fan':;_ylt=Avud73H8TXQKeb_qCP059PYAAAAA;_ylv=3?show=qcM5ODp4aa

I'd recommend blocking this user.

And have fun reporting this, monkeys! This account is probably cooked now anyway and I really don't give a d**n.




  1. Yikes!  Surely god wanted me to receive this message. ♥  

  2. Yes, too bad he let me feel him before Fed Ex was created

  3. "Feeling" that God want's you to deliver a message is not a good reason to do it. In the Bible, God actually speaks to men/women and asks for what he wants either by an angel/servant or by his own voice.

    If he actually comes to you and you hear his voice and he asks for you to deliver a message, then do it. Otherwise, keep the commandment that says "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" or in other words, don't attach his name to your ideas unless he has given you authority to use his name when delivering a message from him.

  4. Well in Islam apparently Allah wants you to stap a bomb go on a suicide mission and kill yourself and that you will supposedly get 72 virgins.

  5. Thanks for the heads up.

    Nice of you to deliver a message for God.

    He asked me to do that once, and I kindly suggested He use Western Union.

  6. Thanks (((((((((((penguin))))))))))))) for the most valuable message. I've done as you suggested and blocked him.

    I haven't received any vn's this week, but yesterday I had several new level 1's add on. I also have it set up that I am notified when someone adds, so if they do plan to cause damage they never have the chance.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it while I am away from the computer. :(

    Here are two higher level users that you might want to watch out for. They trolled me unmercifully over the weekend, calling me Red q***r, spreading lies that I was harassing them through the mail, when it was they who were doing the hit-and-runs (note they have their mail closed, as it had always been). They blocked me, cloned me and every other childish thing, all because I answered one of Sunshine's question in an unsuitable way.

    She asked if we were praying for New Orleans to be spared the worst of Gustav. I answered: Did you pray for the Cubans? Ooh, the proverbial defecation hit the rotary oscillator. Next thing I knew they were all over me.

    Here are the links:;_ylt...;_ylt...

  7. wow, that sucks. Thanks IWALK!

    Though God is everywhere at once, why are we having to do his donkey work I'm not a 'king postman.

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