
Have you ever felt that you were not meant to have friends?

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I usually have 1 friend at a time but they all ways end up leaving me for other people , right now I do not have a friend I can trust and I never had a friend I could tell secrets to .

Have you ever been like this?

How do you deal with It ?

I put it in this section because I'm g*y .but my loneliness has nothing to do with me being g*y because no one knoes.




  1. I am 69 years old and never had a close friend and it has never worried me I am sufficient unto myself and so you should be

    " Be friendly to all and help others " but do not worry about friends as if you follow the above you will not want for help and advice

  2. NO..i dont..

    but i sometimes wondered if..what's my life going to be if i dont have friends...

    i can't live without my's not how many friends you ought to have but how many friends will stay being your friend forever..

    my advice is...

    be my friend...i wont leave you..i'm sure to stay for life..oh by the way..i'm a bi :-0

  3. .,yeah, I've already felt that..

    .,i'm was hated by everyone..

    .,and i got no one to turn to..

    .,i changed myself from- bad girl to good..

    .,not that good, but i can say, a better person..

    .,i became more mature because of that..

    .,i used to mingle with them..

    .,and i got more friends..

    .,just do good things to them

    .,and they will pay you back..

  4. ask people why they dont like you

    go out & meet people outside your social circle right now (:

    join a youth group or something ^^

    they are probably under peerpressure

  5. i no wot u mean m8 i feel like tht im the same i have no friends at all iv just moved 2 leeds 13 weeks ago i dont no any 1 and i dont trust any1 at the mo cause people always leves me and it harts.but u do wot u got to do to get few. its hard but u got to make the most of it if u want a friend u hv one its me we can b there 4 each ov heres my email adds u can email me at any tim my friend at hope we can become gud friends m8.hope to hear frm u soon.

  6. well dominic if they drop you then they are doing you a favour as they obviously arent your real friends.

    You need to stop blaming yourself, if its nothing that you have done then its nothing to be upset about.

    Why not join some groups something you are interested in and make some friends that way.

    Being g*y doesnt make any difference and why should you hide it , nothing to be ashamed of. xx

  7. I've only ever had one friend at a time, and I just turned 64 years old.  I've never gotten along well with other females, the things most of them do just really don't interest me.  That has never bothered me, and I don't know why it doesn't.  I'm quite happy with my own company.  I am married, so I guess you'd have to consider my husband as a friend.  Right now my only friend just turned 82 years old, so I don't have to tell you how that's going to end.  

    What I have found, though, is that when one friendship ends, another starts soon after.  Pursue things that interest you, no matter what it is.  Cooking, gardening, history, carpentry, chess, whatever.  If you join groups or clubs related to your interests, you'll increase your pool of possible friends.

    As far as secrets go, you're better off not telling anyone what yours are.  Someday you'll meet someone to spend your life with, save the secrets for him.  Hang in there, okay?.        

  8. Have more friends and be more open.  If you have only 1 friend at a time, it will take years before you can find someone you can trust.  Your friends will not stay with you all the time.  They are not like you : they have more friends themselves.  Be more outgoing.

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