
Have you ever felt this way before?

by Guest62878  |  earlier

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If you're bisexual/g*y/L*****n - i think you would know how this feels; i think i'm falling for a girl that has a boyfriend.. and i don't even know if she could be into girls.

i liked this girl i met in a program last year, but i didn't have the courage to do anything about it. i hadn't seen her for over half a year since the program ended, but last week i was invited to her party and i thought - "i am NOT going to let this pass by me again - i'm going to really talk to her and i'm ready to give her hints that i'm bi and see what happens."

i am fired up and excited when i get to the party, but then - someone points out her boyfriend in the crowd. "no biggy" i think to myself, i didn't think i felt that much for her anyway (i was in love with my best friend several months back).

but then sometime in the party, i saw them kissing. i felt this burning sensation at the back of my neck and i'm wondering "what is this feeling??" for the first time ever, i realized i was dead JEALOUS. i've liked other girls that have been with other people before, and i've NEVER been the jealous type.

i can't bear it! it's one of the worst things i've ever felt! D=




  1. Been there.  I hate having feelings of jealousy over someone you're not even with.  It can be such a bi*ch to deal with, but since she has a boyfriend, I guess you have to deal with it as best you can by trying to get her out of your mind.  I know, easier said than done, but what else can you do?

  2. just captured the recent events of my life in your ques ...I'm going through the same feelings now. My crush has a bf who she praises some times and complains about at other times. I am not accustomed to feeling jealous of anyone either and I hated the feeling of jealousy when they were cuddling/caressing at her house party recently......I totally identify with you. And I'm not even in love with her. I was in love with someone else for years before I met her this year.

    But you know what? I've realised that as much as it is depressing not to have her, I don't want to continue pining and being jealous. I feel like less of person when those negative feelings come and I think that I deserve more in my life.

    You might want to try cutting off or cutting down the communication/interaction with her even though you don't want to. Also, try making a conscious decision to move on...It's really difficult but it has been working a bit for me in terms of dealing with the feelings. I've tried forcing myself to think of her as a good friend that I once had a crush on instead of thinking of her as my present crush.

    Wishing you the best..

  3. Been there, done that, bought that T-shirt.

    Trying to break them up wouldn't do any good, and the only thing you can do yourself is trying to get over her and move on.

    Sorry girl, being g*y in a straight world SUCKS. =/

  4. i felt this wayyyy too much about my current crush. she is for sure straight and has had a bf for 4 years, but i just cant help but love her. when i see them walk down the halls sat school, or hold hands, or even if im on the phone with her and she says "yeah im at ____'s house" i get pissed and jealous and so sick. i want to be where he is, i want to be the one holding her hand and kissing her. oh well, c'est la vie

  5. i have to say though i am not proud of it i am the jealous type. it hurts like h**l some times and other times it just annoying but theres nothing u can do butt move on

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