
Have you ever felt trap in the house?

by Guest61219  |  earlier

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Hi all,

I felt absolutely miserable. I am getting marry in 7 months, my fiance recently moved in with me and my family. The house we lived in is half my sis and I.

we also have a land together but we are not planing to build anything as yet.

my fiance work 2 jobs and recently he having problem with my family and the way we live, he tried very hard to adapt but failed and we end up fight and I cant help it I always protected my family.

Now he want to move out, but with so much debt on hand and a wedding on the way, I can't afford to do anything. I would love to do something about it.and I tried.

i.e my family work most weekend, they have weekday off. On their night off they watch movie with very high volume. My fiance on the other hand start work at 4am so he can't sleep...he got frustrated, unhappy etc.. I have asked my family to turn it down but it just still loud.

I felt stuck because i felt like I asked too much from them becoz they always watch movies late and loud.

But I felt sorry for my fiance have to work early...

Little thing like this is for something else as well... I just felt trap in the middle and I donno what to do. I know I can't please everyone.

he wanted to move out, but we cant afford to... if this keep going soon i think they will hate each other... i don't want to see that. i love my family and I love him too...

please help me...I know I can do something but at the same time, I felt that I am too weak to protect anyone...




  1. Your going to have to before he leaves. I've been there its not easy sometimes you have to do what you have to do

  2. well maybe you should get a job too looks like hes doing al lthe work if hes working 2 jobs . get up off the couch and get a job so that way there will be more money coming in to do things with and pay bills with.

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